Ancient Faith Radio - Music
Ancient Faith Radio - Music 재생 목록
05:15 STs. Constantine and Helen Quartet - By the Waters
05:13 Alexander Arhangelsky - Rejoice, Mother Of God, Holy Virgin...
05:11 Nuns Of St. Elisabeth Of Minsk - Partake and See
05:09 Monks and Choirs of Kiev Pechersk Lavra - Bless is the man (authentic Kiev chant)
05:08 St Romanos Hermitage - Joy of all who sorrow Sedalen #2
05:04 Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir - Bless the Lord, O My Soul
05:02 Orthodox Christian Chorale Of Metropolitan Detroit - My Soul Arise, Kontakion From Canon Of St. Andrew Of Crete,
05:02 Monks Of The Holy Trinity-St. Jonah Monastery, Kiev - Irmos Of The 1st Canticle Of The Canon Of St. Andrew Of Cret
05:00 Choir AXIOS - It is meet
04:59 SID 2 Trudi Richter
04:57 Holy Trinity Seminary Choir - Lord, I Have Cried unto THee - tone III
04:55 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Now And Guide Me In The Paths Of Salvation, Tone 8
04:45 The Orthodox Singers - Song of Penitence
04:42 St. Romanos Capella - Forseeing Thy Divine Humiliati
04:40 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Troparion Of The Sunday Of The Holy Cross, Tone 1
04:38 Minsk Theological College - 5-To Thee Champion Leader
04:36 Axios - We have no other help
04:34 Antiphony Orthodox Ensemble - St. Symeion Orthodox Church - Only Begotten Son
04:34 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - At the prayers
04:31 Roman Hurko - Hail Mary
04:28 Dr. Chrissi Hart - Give Rest - Triodion
04:25 Patriarch Tikhon Choir - Lord I Have Cried Morosan
04:22 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Prokeimenon "Lord Reigns"
04:18 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - Lord I have Cried 2
04:13 Harmony Choir & Nana Peradze - Thou Art The Vineyard
04:10 Nuns Of St. Elisabeth Of Minsk - O Lord of Hosts, Be With Us
04:09 Recorded At Holy Trinity-St. Jonah's Monastery - Sunday Troparion
04:07 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Troparia Of Great Compline, Tone 6
04:06 Summer School Of Liturgical Music - Most Blessed Art Thou O Virgin Theotokos
04:04 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Troparion Of The Sunday Of St. Gregory Palamas, Tone 8
04:02 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Pryesvyataya Vladychitsye Bogoroditsye. (Great Compline)
04:00 St. Eliyah Childrens Choir - Meet it is
03:59 SID 1 Elijah Sabourin
03:57 St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale - Kevin Smith, director - Earliest Theotokos Troparion; Beneath Your Compassion - Znam
03:51 Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir - The Great Litany
03:49 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Now lettest Thou Depart
03:48 Choir of St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church Indianapoli - Rejoice in the Lord
03:47 The Orthodox Chamber Choir - Rejoice, O Virgin Mother of God
03:45 Gloria Dei Cantores - Ineffable Mystery: It Is Truly Fitting
03:43 Everyday Orthodox Appeal
03:43 *Ncense - Blessed is He who Cometh
03:40 Choir AXIOS - We Praise Thee (No.5)
03:39 Cynthia Damaskos - Gregory of Nyssa 3-CD3-1
03:36 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - O come let us worship
03:32 Mount Lebanon Choir - The Holy Gospel
03:29 Moscow Cathedral Choir - O gentle light (17th Century)
03:28 St. Vladimir's Seminary Women's Sextet - It is Truly Meet
03:27 Famous Orthodox Mixed Choir - Gospodi, Kristu Tvoyemu(To Your Cross,Ohlord)
03:26 American Orthodox Liturgy Project Choir - Come Let Us Worship
03:16 The St. Romanos Capella, THe Partriarch Tikhon Choir, The Wa - My Soul Magnifies the Lord
03:14 The Parish Choir Of The Orthodox Church Of The Holy Cross - The Lord Is My Light (Kedrov)
03:13 Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary Choir - Thou had kept Thy virginity in birthgiving
03:10 St. Athanasius Orthodox Church Choir - Holy God (Zakkak)
03:06 Holy Trinity Seminary Choir - What cavern of The Earth - sticheron to St. Herman
03:05 Romeiko Ensemble - Thy Cross we adore (Slavonic)
03:00 Apostolos Hill - Stichera Of The Last Kiss
02:59 SID 1 Elijah Sabourin
02:56 Eikona - All Creatures Are Amazed
02:53 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Now The Powers Of Heaven - Valaam Chant/ Bishop Ionafan
02:49 Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir - Praise Ye the Name of The Lord
02:47 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Exapostelarion, Sunday Of Forgiveness, Tone 2
02:46 St. Eliyah Childrens Choir - Canticle of St. Nicholas
02:45 Botimi Kishes Orthodhoskse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Prifit
02:36 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Liturgjia Hynore
02:33 Orthodox Christian Chorale Of Metropolitan Detroit - Taste And See How Good The Lord Is
02:31 Romeiko Ensemble - Behold, The Time Of Salvation
02:29 Dr. Chrissi Hart - Grant Compunction - Triodion
02:27 St Romanos Hermitage - Joy of all who sorrow Sedalen #1
02:26 Resurrection Church Choir Of Moscow - Having Beheld The Resurrection Of Christ, Kievan Chant
02:22 The Holy Trinity Orthodox Choir of Parma Ohio - Psalm 137
02:18 The male choir of the Valam Institute - Lucent in the Glory of the Lord
02:15 Nuns Of St. Elisabeth Of Minsk - I Have Recklessly Forgotten Your Glory O Father
02:12 St. John Of San Francisco Men's Chorale - Troparion To St. John- Lavra Chant
02:08 St Romanos Hermitage - Doxology
02:07 Holy Myrrhbearers Women's Choir - Magnification For The Annunciation
02:03 Holy Trinity Orthodox Church - Open To Me
02:00 Botimi Kishes Orthodhoskse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Dhjaku
01:58 St. Anthony's Monastery - Alleluia, First Mode
01:58 SID 1 Bobby Maddex
01:56 St. Eliyah Childrens Choir - I set my hope in God
01:54 Monastery Choir Of St. John Of San Francisco - Tone 5 Funeral Sticheron of the 8 tones, by St. John of Dama
01:50 Kyiv Chamber Choir - Rachmaninov-Bless the Lord, O My Soul
01:46 The Orthodox Singers - We Bow Down
01:42 The East/West Festival Chorale. Peter Jermihov, Conductor - O Gladsome Light/Sander
01:40 Tolga Convent - Teach me, O Lord, to glorify Thee
01:38 Kyiv Chamber Choir - Rachmaninov-Praise the Lord from the Heavens
01:37 Choir Of The Russian Orthodox Cathedral In London - The Body Of Christ, Take Ye
01:35 Alexander Arhangelsky - Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart...
01:34 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Ting i Rende
01:32 Live with the Louhs Appeal
01:31 Orthodox Christian Choir of the Wyoming Valley - Saturday night Prokeimenon
01:30 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Kanona pisteos
01:29 John Maddex - Breck 1
01:26 ROC Cathedral London - Psalm of Lauds
01:24 A Masterclass Concert with Vladimir Gorbik - The Lord's Prayer
01:23 Nuns of St. Paisius Monastery - Prayer to Serbian Saints
01:20 Choir of St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church Indianapoli - Second Antiphon
01:19 Divna - Aksion estin - vizantijski napev
01:16 St. Lawrence Orthodox Chorale - Come Ye Faithful
01:10 St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary Choir - The Most Holy Virgin
01:09 Alexander Kastalsky - Remaining a Virgin, even after childbirth
01:07 Antiphony Orthodox Ensemble - St. Symeion Orthodox Church - Exapostilarion of the Cross
01:05 Choir AXIOS - Praise, ye, the name of the lord, Op.3 No.2
01:04 Recorded At Holy Trinity-St. Jonah's Monastery - Lord, Save The God-Fearing
01:00 Vassilis Hadjinicolaou - Aposticha Tone 8
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Ancient Faith Radio - Music 리뷰