Ancient Faith Radio - Music
Ancient Faith Radio - Music playlist
07:36 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - O Apostles of the Savior
07:34 CK - CF5
07:28 Holst Singers, Stephen Layton conductor - Now The Powers Of Heaven,
07:27 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Troparion Of The Sunday Of Orthodoxy, Tone 2
07:25 Kansas City Chorale - Today Salvation Has Come To The World
07:24 Nuns Of St. Elisabeth Of Minsk - Turn Not Thy Face Away From Thy Servant
07:20 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Glory Of Psalm 140, Sunday Of St. Mary Of Egypt, Tone 4
07:13 Chor Der Mitarbeiter der Verlagsleitung des Moskauer Patriac - Irmos Of The 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th Odes Of The Canon 'With
07:10 IC XC NI KA - THe Liturgy celebrated by Fr Pwel Cecha, chant - Trisagion. plagal ton 1
07:07 Nuns Of St. Elisabeth Of Minsk - In the Morning
07:05 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Doxastikon Of The Aposticha, Sunday Of The Pharisee And Publ
07:03 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Taste And See - Valaam Chant/ Bishop Ionafan
07:02 Rana Nassour-Derbaly - Troparion Of The Theophany
07:01 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
07:01 SID 2 Elijah Sabourin
06:58 Shvedov, Konstantin - Glory be o Thou the Only-Begotten Son
06:48 The Young Womens' Greek Orthodox Christian Society Sydney Au - Ode 7,8,9 Truly you are worthy
06:45 Sfanta Manastire Crasna - Lumea Intreaga De-Ai Avea
06:42 Chorovaya Akademia - Maloie slavosloviye (Small Hymn of Praise)
06:40 Live with the Louhs Appeal
06:39 Cappella Romana; Father Sergei Glagolev, Priest; Dr. Vladimi - Rejoice in the Lord (Ps. 32:1)
06:36 The St. Romanos Capella, THe Partriarch Tikhon Choir, The Wa - To Thee, THe Victorious Leader
06:34 Richard Morton - Chrysostom-LS9-RM9
06:29 The Patriach Tikhon Choir - From My Youth - Trubachev
06:26 Divna - All of You Who were Baptized into Christ
06:22 St. Vladimir's Seminary Women's Sextet - Magnificat
06:19 Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir - O Gentle Light
06:18 Chanters Of St. Lawrence-Felton, CA - 1st Antiphon-Theophany
06:17 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
06:14 Divna - In The Red Sea
06:13 Archangel Voices - Behold, How Good Johann von Gardner
06:11 Choir AXIOS - Rejoice you, Virgin Mary, Op.9 No.1
06:08 The Holy Trinity Orthodox Choir of Parma Ohio - Psalm 148
06:04 Eikona - No Created Thing
06:03 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Magnification to Holy Fathers of Pecherskaya Lavra
06:01 St. Vladimir's Seminary Octet - A Psalm of Deliverance
05:59 Orthodox Saints102: Saint John
05:59 SID 2 Trudi Richter
05:55 St. Vladimir's Seminary Octet - Blazhen muzh
05:50 CherubikCherubik - Cherubic Hymn, Znamenny Chant, "Now The Powers" Melody
05:41 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Zbritesore e krishtlindjes
05:40 Pat Kushiner - Fasting in Peace
05:38 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Kontakion Of Great Canon Of St. Andrew Of Crete, Tone 6
05:33 Choirs of Uspenski & Russian Orthodox Cathedrals - Vespers (a) Lord, I have cried untu thee (b) O gentle light
05:31 Orthodox Christian Chorale Of Metropolitan Detroit - My Soul Arise, Kontakion From Canon Of St. Andrew Of Crete,
05:29 St. Eliyah Childrens Choir - O gentle radiance
05:27 St.Demetrius Ukrainan Orthodox Church Choir Members - Praise The Lord Our God
05:25 Choir of Kings College, Cambridge / Cleobury - First of all remeber, Lord
05:24 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Kontakion Of The Akathist Hymn
05:21 Minsk Theological College - Dormition Irmoi
05:07 St. Romanos Hermitage - Paraclesis Canon
05:04 St.Demetrius Ukrainan Orthodox Church Choir Members - Under Your Grace
05:02 Bishop Hilarion - O Joyful Light
05:01 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
05:01 SID 1 Trudi Richter
04:57 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Now The Powers Of Heaven - Valaam Chant/ Bishop Ionafan
04:56 St. Eliyah Childrens Choir - Canticle of St. Nicholas
04:54 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - Now is the accepted time
04:53 Minsk Theological College - Sticheron for Pentecost
04:52 Botimi Kishes Orthodhoskse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Psaltet
04:51 The male choir of the Valam Institute - We praise Thee Holy Nicholas, the father of the land
04:47 St. Vlads - Litany-The Lord's Prayer
04:42 St. Tikon's Seminary Choir - And for All Mankind
04:38 Dr. Chrissi Hart - Give Rest - Triodion
04:36 Choir of All Saints, Salisbury, Connecticutt - The Lenten Troparia
04:30 Gloria Dei Cantores - All-Night Vigil, Op. 37: Blessed Art Thou
04:29 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - My souls dignity
04:26 The Orthodox Chamber Choir - Praise Ye the Name of the Lord-2
04:23 Resurrection Church Choir Of Moscow - Great Prokimenon "Turn Not Away Thy Face", Tone 8 Znamenny C
04:21 Octet Of St. Sava - Save, O Lord
04:18 The Holy Trinity Orthodox Choir of Parma Ohio - Psalm 137
04:14 Spirit Of Orthodoxy - Salvation Is Created
04:13 St. Vlads - A Helper and a Protector
04:03 Botimi Kishes Orthodhoskse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Psaltet
03:59 Kyiv Chamber Choir - The blessed I've already chose
03:58 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
03:58 SID 3 Trudi Richter
03:53 St. Anthony's Monastery - Typica, First Stasis
03:52 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Vargezore e Pentikostise ting 1
03:50 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Now lettest Thou Depart
03:49 Chanters Of St. Lawrence-Felton, CA - Troparion For The Synaxis
03:47 Divna - Psalm 102
03:45 St. Tikon's Seminary Choir - Is Polla Trio
03:41 Apostolos Hill - Elevation of the Cross
03:37 Famous Orthodox Mixed Choir - Predstatelstvo Khristian(The Christian Protection)
03:37 John Maddex - Diary 3
03:30 St. Athanasius Orthodox Church Choir - Holy God (Zakkak)
03:26 St. Romanos Capella - Perpetual troparia
03:25 Eikona - Holy Ascension
03:24 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Sticherion at the Litia "O miraculous wonder"
03:22 Choir of St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church Indianapoli - Psalm 23
03:21 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
03:21 Children Of The Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage - Holy Is The Lord Our God
03:19 Choir of Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church - Good And Faithful Servant
03:18 Minsk Theological College - Trisagion
03:13 All-Merciful Saviour Monastery - The Dogmatic Theotokion for the Dormition of the Mother of G
03:03 Sfanta Liturghie A Sfantului Ioan Gura De Aur - Heruvic Glas
03:01 The male choir of the Valam Institute - Eternal memory
03:00 Cherubica - Lord I Have Cried Tone 8
02:59 Orthodox Saints102: Saint Christos
02:58 SID 3 Elijah Sabourin
02:55 ROC Cathedral London - Verses after Gospel
02:54 St. Vladimir's Seminary Women's Sextet - Koinonikon for Presanctified Liturgy - Valaam chant
02:47 Sfanta Liturghie A Sfantului Ioan Gura De Aur - Ectenia Mare Glas
02:41 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Lord Of Hosts, Be With Us - Valaam Chant
02:38 Axios - You who are being baptized
02:37 St Romanos Hermitage - Joy of all who sorrow Sedalen #3
02:29 Celebrated In The Church Of The Protecting Veil Of The Mothe - Stichera "O, Most Pure Mother Of God"
02:28 Dr. Chrissi Hart - Fishermen- Triodion
02:26 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Prokeimenon Of Cheese Fare Sunday, Tone 8
02:23 Sfanta Manastire Crasna - Ce Folos
02:21 St. Vladimir's Seminary Women's Sextet - Kontakion for the Canon of St. Andrew
02:17 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Liturgjia Hynore
02:14 Torhamo Quartet - Taste and See
02:11 St. Vlads - A Helper and a Protector
02:10 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Perl. Ting Terth IV
02:08 Spirit Of Orthodoxy - My Soul, Arise
02:05 St.Demetrius Ukrainan Orthodox Church Choir Members - By The Rivers of Babylon
02:02 Holy Trinity Seminary Choir - Lord, I Have Cried unto THee - tone III
02:01 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
02:00 SID 1 Trudi Richter
01:56 St. Tikon's Mission Choir - Great Litany
01:51 Alexander Kastalsky - Nunc dimitris
01:49 St. John Of San Francisco Men's Chorale - First Antiphon: Bless The Lord, O My Soul
01:42 Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir - Lord, I Have Cried - tone 6 - Kievan chant
01:39 Protection Of The Holy Virgin - St Seraphim Of Sarov Orthodo - O Virgin Theotokos, Thou Hope of Creation
01:37 Minsk Theological College - 5-To Thee Champion Leader
01:36 Novospassky Monastery Choir - Igumen Mitrofan - Alleluia (Moscow chant)
01:34 The Facts Appeal
01:31 All-Merciful Saviour Monastery - The Dogmatic Theotokion, Tone VIII
01:29 Novospassky Monastery Choir - Igumen Mitrofan - The only begotten Son (Grechaninov)
01:29 Hannah Stapleton - St. Chrysostom-Hannah S 3-1
01:26 Ortodoksinen Kamarikuoro - 10-The Lord's Prayer
01:23 All-Merciful Saviour Monastery - The Dogmatic Theotokion, Tone IV
01:22 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse AutoQefale Te Shqiperise - Fame e Kryepiskopit
01:20 Mount Lebanon Choir - The Little Litany (2)
01:18 Bishop Hilarion - Small Litany -2
01:17 The Choir of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church Ottawa, Cana - You are a mystical paradise - Romanian Byzantine Chant
01:16 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
01:15 Sfanta Liturghie a Sfantului Ioan Gura de Aur - Aliluia
01:13 St. Seraphim Orthodox Choir - The Grace of Truth
01:10 Sofia Orthodox Choir - We Hymn Thee, We Bless Thee
01:07 St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale - dirc. Robin Freeman - Litany of Supplication - Boris Ledkovsky
01:04 Male Choir Of Sveta Nedelya Cathedral - Sofia - How Meet It Is
01:03 Various - Peter Tchaikovsky: Amen. And w
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**Ancient Faith Radio - Music** è una stazione radio online con sede negli Stati Uniti che si concentra sulla trasmissione di musica liturgica e contemporanea cristiana ortodossa. Fa parte di **Ancient Faith Ministries**, un'organizzazione dedicata a diffondere le tradizioni e gli insegnamenti della Chiesa Ortodossa Orientale. La stazione propone una combinazione di canti bizantini, inni sacri e musica strumentale e vocale ispirata alla tradizione ortodossa. Opera come una piattaforma sostenuta dagli ascoltatori, facendo affidamento sulle donazioni per finanziare la sua programmazione. **Ancient Faith Radio** offre anche un canale separato dedicato a trasmissioni parlanti, che include podcast, sermoni e discussioni teologiche.
Ancient Faith Radio - Music Recensioni