Ancient Faith Radio - Music
Ancient Faith Radio - Music قائمة التشغيل
07:36 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - O Apostles of the Savior
07:34 CK - CF5
07:28 Holst Singers, Stephen Layton conductor - Now The Powers Of Heaven,
07:27 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Troparion Of The Sunday Of Orthodoxy, Tone 2
07:25 Kansas City Chorale - Today Salvation Has Come To The World
07:24 Nuns Of St. Elisabeth Of Minsk - Turn Not Thy Face Away From Thy Servant
07:20 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Glory Of Psalm 140, Sunday Of St. Mary Of Egypt, Tone 4
07:13 Chor Der Mitarbeiter der Verlagsleitung des Moskauer Patriac - Irmos Of The 1st, 3rd, 6th, 8th, 9th Odes Of The Canon 'With
07:10 IC XC NI KA - THe Liturgy celebrated by Fr Pwel Cecha, chant - Trisagion. plagal ton 1
07:07 Nuns Of St. Elisabeth Of Minsk - In the Morning
07:05 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Doxastikon Of The Aposticha, Sunday Of The Pharisee And Publ
07:03 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Taste And See - Valaam Chant/ Bishop Ionafan
07:02 Rana Nassour-Derbaly - Troparion Of The Theophany
07:01 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
07:01 SID 2 Elijah Sabourin
06:58 Shvedov, Konstantin - Glory be o Thou the Only-Begotten Son
06:48 The Young Womens' Greek Orthodox Christian Society Sydney Au - Ode 7,8,9 Truly you are worthy
06:45 Sfanta Manastire Crasna - Lumea Intreaga De-Ai Avea
06:42 Chorovaya Akademia - Maloie slavosloviye (Small Hymn of Praise)
06:40 Live with the Louhs Appeal
06:39 Cappella Romana; Father Sergei Glagolev, Priest; Dr. Vladimi - Rejoice in the Lord (Ps. 32:1)
06:36 The St. Romanos Capella, THe Partriarch Tikhon Choir, The Wa - To Thee, THe Victorious Leader
06:34 Richard Morton - Chrysostom-LS9-RM9
06:29 The Patriach Tikhon Choir - From My Youth - Trubachev
06:26 Divna - All of You Who were Baptized into Christ
06:22 St. Vladimir's Seminary Women's Sextet - Magnificat
06:19 Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir - O Gentle Light
06:18 Chanters Of St. Lawrence-Felton, CA - 1st Antiphon-Theophany
06:17 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
06:14 Divna - In The Red Sea
06:13 Archangel Voices - Behold, How Good Johann von Gardner
06:11 Choir AXIOS - Rejoice you, Virgin Mary, Op.9 No.1
06:08 The Holy Trinity Orthodox Choir of Parma Ohio - Psalm 148
06:04 Eikona - No Created Thing
06:03 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Magnification to Holy Fathers of Pecherskaya Lavra
06:01 St. Vladimir's Seminary Octet - A Psalm of Deliverance
05:59 Orthodox Saints102: Saint John
05:59 SID 2 Trudi Richter
05:55 St. Vladimir's Seminary Octet - Blazhen muzh
05:50 CherubikCherubik - Cherubic Hymn, Znamenny Chant, "Now The Powers" Melody
05:41 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Zbritesore e krishtlindjes
05:40 Pat Kushiner - Fasting in Peace
05:38 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Kontakion Of Great Canon Of St. Andrew Of Crete, Tone 6
05:33 Choirs of Uspenski & Russian Orthodox Cathedrals - Vespers (a) Lord, I have cried untu thee (b) O gentle light
05:31 Orthodox Christian Chorale Of Metropolitan Detroit - My Soul Arise, Kontakion From Canon Of St. Andrew Of Crete,
05:29 St. Eliyah Childrens Choir - O gentle radiance
05:27 St.Demetrius Ukrainan Orthodox Church Choir Members - Praise The Lord Our God
05:25 Choir of Kings College, Cambridge / Cleobury - First of all remeber, Lord
05:24 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Kontakion Of The Akathist Hymn
05:21 Minsk Theological College - Dormition Irmoi
05:07 St. Romanos Hermitage - Paraclesis Canon
05:04 St.Demetrius Ukrainan Orthodox Church Choir Members - Under Your Grace
05:02 Bishop Hilarion - O Joyful Light
05:01 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
05:01 SID 1 Trudi Richter
04:57 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Now The Powers Of Heaven - Valaam Chant/ Bishop Ionafan
04:56 St. Eliyah Childrens Choir - Canticle of St. Nicholas
04:54 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - Now is the accepted time
04:53 Minsk Theological College - Sticheron for Pentecost
04:52 Botimi Kishes Orthodhoskse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Psaltet
04:51 The male choir of the Valam Institute - We praise Thee Holy Nicholas, the father of the land
04:47 St. Vlads - Litany-The Lord's Prayer
04:42 St. Tikon's Seminary Choir - And for All Mankind
04:38 Dr. Chrissi Hart - Give Rest - Triodion
04:36 Choir of All Saints, Salisbury, Connecticutt - The Lenten Troparia
04:30 Gloria Dei Cantores - All-Night Vigil, Op. 37: Blessed Art Thou
04:29 Byzantine Choir of Ogiditria - My souls dignity
04:26 The Orthodox Chamber Choir - Praise Ye the Name of the Lord-2
04:23 Resurrection Church Choir Of Moscow - Great Prokimenon "Turn Not Away Thy Face", Tone 8 Znamenny C
04:21 Octet Of St. Sava - Save, O Lord
04:18 The Holy Trinity Orthodox Choir of Parma Ohio - Psalm 137
04:14 Spirit Of Orthodoxy - Salvation Is Created
04:13 St. Vlads - A Helper and a Protector
04:03 Botimi Kishes Orthodhoskse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Psaltet
03:59 Kyiv Chamber Choir - The blessed I've already chose
03:58 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
03:58 SID 3 Trudi Richter
03:53 St. Anthony's Monastery - Typica, First Stasis
03:52 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Vargezore e Pentikostise ting 1
03:50 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Now lettest Thou Depart
03:49 Chanters Of St. Lawrence-Felton, CA - Troparion For The Synaxis
03:47 Divna - Psalm 102
03:45 St. Tikon's Seminary Choir - Is Polla Trio
03:41 Apostolos Hill - Elevation of the Cross
03:37 Famous Orthodox Mixed Choir - Predstatelstvo Khristian(The Christian Protection)
03:37 John Maddex - Diary 3
03:30 St. Athanasius Orthodox Church Choir - Holy God (Zakkak)
03:26 St. Romanos Capella - Perpetual troparia
03:25 Eikona - Holy Ascension
03:24 Monastery of Kyiv-Pecherskaya Lavra - Sticherion at the Litia "O miraculous wonder"
03:22 Choir of St. John the Forerunner Orthodox Church Indianapoli - Psalm 23
03:21 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
03:21 Children Of The Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage - Holy Is The Lord Our God
03:19 Choir of Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church - Good And Faithful Servant
03:18 Minsk Theological College - Trisagion
03:13 All-Merciful Saviour Monastery - The Dogmatic Theotokion for the Dormition of the Mother of G
03:03 Sfanta Liturghie A Sfantului Ioan Gura De Aur - Heruvic Glas
03:01 The male choir of the Valam Institute - Eternal memory
03:00 Cherubica - Lord I Have Cried Tone 8
02:59 Orthodox Saints102: Saint Christos
02:58 SID 3 Elijah Sabourin
02:55 ROC Cathedral London - Verses after Gospel
02:54 St. Vladimir's Seminary Women's Sextet - Koinonikon for Presanctified Liturgy - Valaam chant
02:47 Sfanta Liturghie A Sfantului Ioan Gura De Aur - Ectenia Mare Glas
02:41 Choir of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul, Minsk (Deniso - Lord Of Hosts, Be With Us - Valaam Chant
02:38 Axios - You who are being baptized
02:37 St Romanos Hermitage - Joy of all who sorrow Sedalen #3
02:29 Celebrated In The Church Of The Protecting Veil Of The Mothe - Stichera "O, Most Pure Mother Of God"
02:28 Dr. Chrissi Hart - Fishermen- Triodion
02:26 Fr. Apostolos Hill - Prokeimenon Of Cheese Fare Sunday, Tone 8
02:23 Sfanta Manastire Crasna - Ce Folos
02:21 St. Vladimir's Seminary Women's Sextet - Kontakion for the Canon of St. Andrew
02:17 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Liturgjia Hynore
02:14 Torhamo Quartet - Taste and See
02:11 St. Vlads - A Helper and a Protector
02:10 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse Autoqefale Te Shqiperise - Perl. Ting Terth IV
02:08 Spirit Of Orthodoxy - My Soul, Arise
02:05 St.Demetrius Ukrainan Orthodox Church Choir Members - By The Rivers of Babylon
02:02 Holy Trinity Seminary Choir - Lord, I Have Cried unto THee - tone III
02:01 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
02:00 SID 1 Trudi Richter
01:56 St. Tikon's Mission Choir - Great Litany
01:51 Alexander Kastalsky - Nunc dimitris
01:49 St. John Of San Francisco Men's Chorale - First Antiphon: Bless The Lord, O My Soul
01:42 Holy Trinity Monastery and Seminary Choir - Lord, I Have Cried - tone 6 - Kievan chant
01:39 Protection Of The Holy Virgin - St Seraphim Of Sarov Orthodo - O Virgin Theotokos, Thou Hope of Creation
01:37 Minsk Theological College - 5-To Thee Champion Leader
01:36 Novospassky Monastery Choir - Igumen Mitrofan - Alleluia (Moscow chant)
01:34 The Facts Appeal
01:31 All-Merciful Saviour Monastery - The Dogmatic Theotokion, Tone VIII
01:29 Novospassky Monastery Choir - Igumen Mitrofan - The only begotten Son (Grechaninov)
01:29 Hannah Stapleton - St. Chrysostom-Hannah S 3-1
01:26 Ortodoksinen Kamarikuoro - 10-The Lord's Prayer
01:23 All-Merciful Saviour Monastery - The Dogmatic Theotokion, Tone IV
01:22 Botim I Kishes Orthodhokse AutoQefale Te Shqiperise - Fame e Kryepiskopit
01:20 Mount Lebanon Choir - The Little Litany (2)
01:18 Bishop Hilarion - Small Litany -2
01:17 The Choir of Christ the Saviour Orthodox Church Ottawa, Cana - You are a mystical paradise - Romanian Byzantine Chant
01:16 SISOI - AGION OROS - AthoniteSpotTwo
01:15 Sfanta Liturghie a Sfantului Ioan Gura de Aur - Aliluia
01:13 St. Seraphim Orthodox Choir - The Grace of Truth
01:10 Sofia Orthodox Choir - We Hymn Thee, We Bless Thee
01:07 St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale - dirc. Robin Freeman - Litany of Supplication - Boris Ledkovsky
01:04 Male Choir Of Sveta Nedelya Cathedral - Sofia - How Meet It Is
01:03 Various - Peter Tchaikovsky: Amen. And w
عرض الكل
راديو الإيمان القديم - الموسيقى هو محطة إذاعية عبر الإنترنت مقرها في الولايات المتحدة، تركز على بث الموسيقى الليتورجية المسيحية الأرثوذكسية والموسيقى المعاصرة. وهي جزء من خدمات الإيمان القديم، وهي منظمة مكرسة لنشر تقاليد وتعاليم الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية الشرقية. تقدم المحطة مزيجًا من الترانيم البيزنطية والأناشيد المقدسة والموسيقى الآلية والغنائية المستوحاة من الأرثوذكسية. تعمل المحطة كنظام مدعوم من المستمعين، حيث تعتمد على التبرعات لتمويل برامجها. كما يقدم راديو الإيمان القديم قناة منفصلة للحوارات تحتوي على بودكاستات، وعظات، ومناقشات لاهوتية.
Ancient Faith Radio - Music المراجعات