Rádio Forró da Ilha

Rádio Forró da Ilha Playlist

  • 06:17 MASTRUZ COM LEITE - Carta de um Marginal (com letra)
  • 06:13 Banda Magníficos - Delírio de Amor (com letra)
  • 06:11 Remy CD's O Nome Tem Qualidade! - Remy CD's O Moral de Batalha-AL
  • 06:08 20 Sucessos SomZoom Sat - Volume 01 - Forró Das Antigas - 12 Chega de Sofrer - Cachorra da Mulesta
  • 06:03 CAPIM COM MEL - Procura (com letra)
  • show all

Rádio Forró da Ilha is a Brazilian radio station focused on promoting forró, a traditional music genre from the northeastern region of Brazil. The station is based in São Luís, the capital of the state of Maranhão, and caters to fans of regional and cultural music. It primarily broadcasts a mix of classic and contemporary forró tracks, celebrating the genre's rich heritage. The station is accessible online, allowing listeners beyond the local area to tune in. Its programming aims to preserve and spread the cultural significance of forró music.

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MASTRUZ COM LEITE - Carta de um Marginal (com letra)