Gauchesca Sul

Gauchesca Sul Playlist

  • 02:30 João Luiz Corrêa - Fandango Em Soledade
  • 02:27 Os Serranos - Meu Retorno
  • 02:24 Grupo Reponte - Além Fronteiras
  • 02:19 Marcio Correia - Potros da Minha Encilha
  • 02:15 Garotos de Ouro - Madrugada
  • show all

Gauchesca Sul is a Brazilian radio station that focuses on traditional gaucho music and culture, celebrating the heritage of Southern Brazil. It primarily features genres such as música gaúcha, chamamé, and folk styles associated with the Rio Grande do Sul region. The station caters to listeners who enjoy regional traditions, including themes of rural life, horseback riding, and the gaucho lifestyle. It broadcasts online, making its content accessible to a wide audience beyond its local area.

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Gauchesca Sul Reviews

João Luiz Corrêa - Fandango Em Soledade