
Japanimradio Playlist

  • 10:17 栗田博文 & 東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 - 祝祭 (「バケモノの子」より)
  • 10:13 Lenny code fiction - Hanataba
  • 10:09 May'n - To the Prismverse
  • 10:05 Wakana - Flag
  • 10:03 Live365 - Advertisement
  • show all

Japanimradio is an online radio station based in Japan that primarily focuses on Japanese pop culture, including anime, J-pop, and video game music. It streams music and related content globally, catering to fans of Japanese media. The station often plays songs from popular anime series and video games, as well as tracks by Japanese artists. It is accessible through its website and various radio streaming platforms.

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Japanimradio Reviews

栗田博文 & 東京フィルハーモニー交響楽団 - 祝祭 (「バケモノの子」より)