VCY America Playlist
- 02:11 Day By Day Our Daily Bread Ensemble 164 All Music
- 02:09 I Would Love To Tell You Doreen Davies 140 All Music
- 02:07 All The Way My Savior Madacy Christian Music 91 All Music
- 02:05 My Tribute Carl & Ruth Engstrom 139 All Music
- 02:03 Nearer, Still Nearer Heidi Haase & Friends 112 All Music
- 02:01 Come With Us, O Blessed Jesus Chestnut Brass/Anthony Newman 148 All Music
- 01:56 Jesus What A Friend Majesty Music Orchestra 247 All Music
- 01:53 Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus Mike Paramore 152 All Music
- 01:51 The Old Rugged Cross New England Music Collection 162 All Music
- 01:46 Emmanuel (with Debussy's Reverie) Discovery House Music 277 All Music
- 01:44 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise Melinda Wickam 126 All Music
- 01:39 In the Sweet By and By/Stepping on Shore (Medley) Psallontes Strings 270 All Music
- 01:36 Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty Robert Hayes 210 All Music
- 01:32 Savior, Lead Us Mathew Burtner 194 All Music
- 01:26 Medley of Spanish Hymns David Chapman 196 All Music
- 01:23 Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart Jim Teel 188 All Music
- 01:20 MKE WVCY Dalton Windsor 167 Features - Community Calendar
- 01:18 Viewpoints Kerby Anderson 119 Features
- 01:17 Stand in the Gap Sam Rohrer 60 Features
- 01:16 Secure Freedom Minute Frank Gaffney 60 Features
- 01:15 Life Issues Brad Mattes 60 Features
- 01:14 Health Freedom Minute Twila Brase 60 Features
- 01:10 Phyllis Schlafly Report Ed Martin 180 Features
- 01:09 Answers with Ken Ham 60 Features
- 01:08 Ankerberg Minute John Ankerberg 60 Features
- 01:07 Freedom's Call Mat Staver 60 Features
- 01:06 Wisconsin Family Minute Julaine Appling 60 Features
- 01:05 MKE RD Dalton Windsor 53 Features - LOCAL WEATHER
- 01:04 Good News Verse Pastor Brad Canterbury 30 Features
- 01:00 SRN NEWS Salem Radio Network 240 Features
- show all
VCY America (Voice of Christian Youth America) is a Christian broadcasting network based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that operates radio stations and a television network across the United States. Founded in 1961, it provides conservative Christian programming, including Bible teaching, Christian music, and talk shows addressing social and political issues from a biblical perspective. The network owns and operates numerous full-power stations and translators, as well as the VCY America Television Network. Its flagship station is WVCY-FM in Milwaukee. VCY America is known for its emphasis on evangelism and promoting traditional Christian values.