Radio Guerrilla

Radio Guerrilla Playlist

  • 20:28 Radio Guerrilla
  • 20:26 ADDISON RAE - Diet Pepsi
  • 20:23 DE'WAYNE - highway robbery
  • 20:18 Radio Guerrilla
  • 20:14 TOURETTE ROULETTE - Commando Pizza
  • show all

Radio Guerrilla is a private Romanian radio station that began broadcasting in 2004. Known for its alternative music selection and countercultural ethos, it became popular among young, urban audiences. The station also gained attention for its outspoken social and political commentary. It was temporarily shut down in 2013 due to licensing issues but relaunched in 2015. Radio Guerrilla continues to broadcast, focusing on independent music, cultural programs, and progressive content.

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Radio Guerrilla