bigFM Hamburg

bigFM Hamburg Playlist

  • 02:56 bigFM - bigFM - Deutschlands biggste Beats
  • 02:55 bigFM - bigFM Berlin
  • 02:49 bigFM - bigFM Baden-Württemberg
  • 02:32 bigFM - bigFM - Deutschlands biggste Beats
  • 02:18 bigFM - bigFM Baden-Württemberg
  • show all

bigFM is one of Germany's largest private radio networks, primarily targeting a young audience aged 14 to 29. Launched in 2000, it is known for its contemporary music programming, focusing on genres such as pop, hip-hop, and electronic dance music. The station broadcasts both regionally and nationally, with its headquarters located in Stuttgart. It also features interactive listener engagement and a mix of entertainment, news, and cultural content. BigFM is part of the Rheinland-Pfälzische Rundfunk GmbH & Co. KG media group.

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bigFM - bigFM - Deutschlands biggste Beats