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Sportify - Trending Workout Playlist
10:11 Josh Parkinson - No More (Emily Nash Re-Edit)
10:08 Welshy - All Day (feat. Nonô)
10:05 Riton and Bad Boy Chiller Crew - Come With Me (Riton's On a Charva Tip Remix)
10:02 Sigala and Rita Ora - You for Me (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
09:59 Duck Sauce, A-Trak and Armand Van Helden - Put The Sauce On It
09:56 Riton and Nightcrawlers - Friday (feat. Mufasa and Hypeman)
09:53 Hayley May - Feel It
09:51 Syn Cole and Carla Monroe - Overdrive
09:48 Honey Dijon - Work (feat. Cor.Ece, Dave Giles II and Mike Dunn)
09:45 MK and Paul Woolford - Teardrops (feat. Majid Jordan)
09:42 Diplo, Paul Woolford and Kareen Lomax - Promises
09:38 Emily Nash - Garden (KC Lights Remix)
09:36 ACT ON and Jax Jones - Don't Stop Movin'
09:33 Rebuke, Storm and Jam El Mar - Storm 2022
09:29 VLTRA (IT) - Bananza (Belly Dancer)
09:25 Shermanology - Tribe
09:23 MistaJam and PS1 - Monday Kind of Tuesday
09:20 Oliver Heldens - I Was Made For Lovin' You (feat. Nile Rodgers and House Gospel Choir)
09:16 Pete Tong, Eats Everything and Vula - Hideaway (feat. Jules Buckley)
09:13 Sonny Fodera and Biscits - About You
09:10 Eats Everything and Shermanology - Tell You What It Is
09:07 John Newman - Holy Love
09:03 Love Regenerator and Eli Brown - We Can Come Together
09:00 Dance System - Bring The Noise
08:56 Majestic and Nightcrawlers - Losing My Mind
08:53 Regard and Years and Years - Hallucination
08:50 Majestic and Boney M. - Rasputin
08:48 Ben Hemsley - Love, Peace and Harmony
08:44 Emily Nash - Garden
08:42 TeeDee - Love Me
08:39 Franky Wah and AR; CO - Under The Sun
08:36 Imanbek, Lil Xan and KDDK - Go Crazy
08:34 Majestic - Time to Groove (feat. Nono)
08:31 Pete Tong, Becky Hill and Tiësto - You Got The Love (feat. Jules Buckley and The Heritage Orchestra)
08:28 Riton and RAYE - I Don't Want You
08:25 Initi8 - Just Fine
08:22 Niko The Kid and Calivania - Outta Body
08:20 Schwing - Give Me All Your Love
08:17 KC Lights - Daydreamer (feat. Leo Stannard)
08:14 TCTS, Nonô and Illyus and Barrientos - Off My Mind (Illyus and Barrientos Remix)
08:10 Pete Tong, Eats Everything and Vula - Hideaway (feat. Jules Buckley)
08:07 HAZEY and TeeDee - Packs and Potions (TeeDee Remix)
08:05 Meyo - Make Them Mine
08:01 Duane Harden and House Gospel Choir - You Don't Know Me
07:59 Noizu, Disciples and MOYA - Catch My Love
07:56 B Live - Don't Know About You (feat. Becky Hill and Jme)
07:52 CamelPhat and Jem Cooke - Silenced
07:49 Punctual - Maze (feat. PHIA)
07:45 Franky Wah and Carl Cox - We Are One
07:42 Solardo and E11EVN - So Far So Good
07:39 Sigala - Melody (Tiësto Remix)
07:37 Joy Club and TIEKS - Lifted
07:33 Arielle Free and Mortimer - Soul Full (feat. Joe Killington)
07:31 Regard and Kwabs - Signals
07:28 Majestic - Tricky (feat. Autumn Rowe)
07:25 Oden and Fatzo and Claptone - Lauren (I Can't Stay Forever)
07:22 Gryffin and Olivia O'Brien - Caught Up
07:19 Sigala and Talia Mar - Stay the Night
07:16 Riton and Bad Boy Chiller Crew - Come With Me (Riton's On a Charva Tip Remix)
07:13 Duck Sauce, A-Trak and Armand Van Helden - Put The Sauce On It
07:10 Disco Lines - TECHNO TEQUILA (feat. Morgan Harvill)
07:08 Sofi Tukker - Summer In New York
07:05 Hayley May - Feel It
07:02 Riton and Nightcrawlers - Friday (feat. Mufasa and Hypeman)
06:59 Honey Dijon - Work (feat. Cor.Ece, Dave Giles II and Mike Dunn)
06:57 Syn Cole and Carla Monroe - Overdrive
06:53 Josh Parkinson - No More (Emily Nash Re-Edit)
06:50 Emily Nash - Garden (KC Lights Remix)
06:47 Welshy - All Day (feat. Nonô)
06:43 Diplo, Paul Woolford and Kareen Lomax - Promises
06:40 Rebuke, Storm and Jam El Mar - Storm 2022
06:38 Sigala and Rita Ora - You for Me (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
06:35 MK and Paul Woolford - Teardrops (feat. Majid Jordan)
06:31 VLTRA (IT) - Bananza (Belly Dancer)
06:27 Pete Tong, Eats Everything and Vula - Hideaway (feat. Jules Buckley)
06:25 ACT ON and Jax Jones - Don't Stop Movin'
06:22 MistaJam and PS1 - Monday Kind of Tuesday
06:19 Love Regenerator and Eli Brown - We Can Come Together
06:15 Sonny Fodera and Biscits - About You
06:12 Dance System - Bring The Noise
06:09 Eats Everything and Shermanology - Tell You What It Is
06:06 John Newman - Holy Love
06:03 Ben Hemsley - Love, Peace and Harmony
06:01 Oliver Heldens - I Was Made For Lovin' You (feat. Nile Rodgers and House Gospel Choir)
05:57 Shermanology - Tribe
05:53 Emily Nash - Garden
05:50 Majestic and Boney M. - Rasputin
05:48 Majestic - Time to Groove (feat. Nono)
05:44 Majestic and Nightcrawlers - Losing My Mind
05:41 Regard and Years and Years - Hallucination
05:39 Initi8 - Just Fine
05:35 Franky Wah and AR; CO - Under The Sun
05:32 Riton and RAYE - I Don't Want You
05:29 Pete Tong, Becky Hill and Tiësto - You Got The Love (feat. Jules Buckley and The Heritage Orchestra)
05:26 Imanbek, Lil Xan and KDDK - Go Crazy
05:24 TeeDee - Love Me
05:22 KC Lights - Daydreamer (feat. Leo Stannard)
05:18 Pete Tong, Eats Everything and Vula - Hideaway (feat. Jules Buckley)
05:15 TCTS, Nonô and Illyus and Barrientos - Off My Mind (Illyus and Barrientos Remix)
05:12 Noizu, Disciples and MOYA - Catch My Love
05:09 HAZEY and TeeDee - Packs and Potions (TeeDee Remix)
05:07 Meyo - Make Them Mine
05:04 B Live - Don't Know About You (feat. Becky Hill and Jme)
05:00 Duane Harden and House Gospel Choir - You Don't Know Me
04:57 CamelPhat and Jem Cooke - Silenced
04:54 Sigala - Melody (Tiësto Remix)
04:50 Franky Wah and Carl Cox - We Are One
04:47 Joy Club and TIEKS - Lifted
04:44 Arielle Free and Mortimer - Soul Full (feat. Joe Killington)
04:42 Niko The Kid and Calivania - Outta Body
04:39 Solardo and E11EVN - So Far So Good
04:36 Punctual - Maze (feat. PHIA)
04:33 Schwing - Give Me All Your Love
04:30 Majestic - Tricky (feat. Autumn Rowe)
04:27 Riton and Bad Boy Chiller Crew - Come With Me (Riton's On a Charva Tip Remix)
04:24 Oden and Fatzo and Claptone - Lauren (I Can't Stay Forever)
04:21 Regard and Kwabs - Signals
04:18 Hayley May - Feel It
04:15 Riton and Nightcrawlers - Friday (feat. Mufasa and Hypeman)
04:12 Sofi Tukker - Summer In New York
04:10 Duck Sauce, A-Trak and Armand Van Helden - Put The Sauce On It
04:07 Disco Lines - TECHNO TEQUILA (feat. Morgan Harvill)
04:04 Sigala and Talia Mar - Stay the Night
04:01 Gryffin and Olivia O'Brien - Caught Up
03:58 Honey Dijon - Work (feat. Cor.Ece, Dave Giles II and Mike Dunn)
03:55 Welshy - All Day (feat. Nonô)
03:52 Rebuke, Storm and Jam El Mar - Storm 2022
03:50 MK and Paul Woolford - Teardrops (feat. Majid Jordan)
03:46 Diplo, Paul Woolford and Kareen Lomax - Promises
03:42 Pete Tong, Eats Everything and Vula - Hideaway (feat. Jules Buckley)
03:40 Sigala and Rita Ora - You for Me (Fedde Le Grand Remix)
03:36 VLTRA (IT) - Bananza (Belly Dancer)
03:33 Emily Nash - Garden (KC Lights Remix)
03:29 Love Regenerator and Eli Brown - We Can Come Together
03:25 Sonny Fodera and Biscits - About You
03:23 MistaJam and PS1 - Monday Kind of Tuesday
03:20 Eats Everything and Shermanology - Tell You What It Is
03:17 ACT ON and Jax Jones - Don't Stop Movin'
03:14 John Newman - Holy Love
03:12 Oliver Heldens - I Was Made For Lovin' You (feat. Nile Rodgers and House Gospel Choir)
03:09 Ben Hemsley - Love, Peace and Harmony
03:07 Syn Cole and Carla Monroe - Overdrive
03:03 Dance System - Bring The Noise
03:00 Majestic and Nightcrawlers - Losing My Mind
02:57 Majestic and Boney M. - Rasputin
02:53 Shermanology - Tribe
02:50 Josh Parkinson - No More (Emily Nash Re-Edit)
02:47 Regard and Years and Years - Hallucination
02:44 Franky Wah and AR; CO - Under The Sun
02:40 Emily Nash - Garden
02:37 Riton and RAYE - I Don't Want You
02:34 Majestic - Time to Groove (feat. Nono)
02:32 Imanbek, Lil Xan and KDDK - Go Crazy
02:29 Pete Tong, Becky Hill and Tiësto - You Got The Love (feat. Jules Buckley and The Heritage Orchestra)
02:26 Initi8 - Just Fine
02:23 HAZEY and TeeDee - Packs and Potions (TeeDee Remix)
02:20 KC Lights - Daydreamer (feat. Leo Stannard)
02:17 TCTS, Nonô and Illyus and Barrientos - Off My Mind (Illyus and Barrientos Remix)
02:13 Duane Harden and House Gospel Choir - You Don't Know Me
02:11 Meyo - Make Them Mine
02:09 TeeDee - Love Me
02:05 CamelPhat and Jem Cooke - Silenced
02:02 Sigala - Melody (Tiësto Remix)
02:00 Noizu, Disciples and MOYA - Catch My Love
01:57 Niko The Kid and Calivania - Outta Body
01:54 Solardo and E11EVN - So Far So Good
01:51 B Live - Don't Know About You (feat. Becky Hill and Jme)
01:48 Franky Wah and Carl Cox - We Are One
01:45 Joy Club and TIEKS - Lifted
01:42 Arielle Free and Mortimer - Soul Full (feat. Joe Killington)
01:39 Punctual - Maze (feat. PHIA)
01:35 Oden and Fatzo and Claptone - Lauren (I Can't Stay Forever)
01:33 Regard and Kwabs - Signals
01:30 Hayley May - Feel It
01:27 Riton and Nightcrawlers - Friday (feat. Mufasa and Hypeman)
01:24 Pete Tong, Eats Everything and Vula - Hideaway (feat. Jules Buckley)
01:21 Disco Lines - TECHNO TEQUILA (feat. Morgan Harvill)
01:18 Majestic - Tricky (feat. Autumn Rowe)
01:16 Gryffin and Olivia O'Brien - Caught Up
01:13 Schwing - Give Me All Your Love
01:10 Sigala and Talia Mar - Stay the Night
01:07 Sofi Tukker - Summer In New York
01:05 MK and Paul Woolford - Teardrops (feat. Majid Jordan)
01:01 Diplo, Paul Woolford and Kareen Lomax - Promises
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"Sportify - Pure Workout 130 BPM" is an online radio station based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) that focuses on high-energy workout music. The station plays tracks consistently set at 130 beats per minute (BPM), ideal for fitness routines such as running, cycling, or gym workouts. It provides a non-stop stream of motivational, upbeat music to cater to fitness enthusiasts seeking rhythm-driven exercise sessions. The station is accessible globally via internet streaming platforms.
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