Faixa Comunitaria

Faixa Comunitaria Playlist

  • 13:33 @ hulkdamidiaofc - 05 ALEM DO UNIVERSO
  • 13:33 R - dio Sul FM 03
  • 13:33 7887 - Radio 88,1 MHz FM 1
  • 13:29 Asas Livres - CD Pra Relembrar - Só As Antigas - by www.Arrochamp3.com - Asas Livres - CD Pra Relembrar - So As Antigas - by www.Arrochamp3.com 07.Cafe da Manha
  • 13:29 R - dio Sul FM 03
  • show all

Faixa Comunitária is a community radio station based in Brasília, Brazil. It operates on the FM frequency 98.1 MHz and is dedicated to promoting local culture, education, and community engagement. The station provides a platform for diverse voices, including social movements, non-governmental organizations, and independent producers. Faixa Comunitária is part of Brazil's broader community radio movement, which aims to democratize media access and serve underrepresented groups. It is non-commercial and typically relies on volunteer contributions and local support for its operations.

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@ hulkdamidiaofc - 05 ALEM DO UNIVERSO