Radio Bronglais плейлист
- 08:22 The Perfect Lamb - Maria Komisky - Glorious Love - 14798
- 08:19 Holy, Holy, Holy - Sweet Echoes - Farther On - 10686
- 08:18 Just As I Am - Tim Knutson - Desert Place
- 08:03 15 2025-03-27 Daily In The Word - Paul Chappell - Daily in the Word
- 08:00 The God I Serve - Abigail Rose Mccandless - Nothing Better
- 08:00 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 08:00 Legal ID Evansvilles Only... edited JW - Legal ID - Legal ID
- 07:57 Mercy On Me - Kevin And Charlotte Birdsong - Mercy On Me
- 07:54 Too Much To Gain To Lose - Joe Arthur - Tell My Friends
- 07:51 Sheltered by His Grace - Cecily Hamilton - Sheltered - 11722
- 07:47 Sweet, Sweet Spirit - The Old-Fashioned Quartet - The Old Country Church - 10680
- 07:44 Somebody Loves Me - His Own - His Great Love - 02423
- 07:41 Always the Same - Andrew Russ - Faithful to the Cross - 13767
- 07:37 My Name Is I AM - Honor And Majesty - I Go To Jesus- 17898
- 07:34 The End of the Road - The Epleys - Gods Been Good - 08632
- 07:30 About The Cross-The Old Rugged Cross - Central Valley Baptist Church - In Christ Alone
- 07:27 Saved By Grace - Bruce Frye - Through Mothers Eyes - 17866
- 07:23 Ten Thousand Years - Ken Shaffer - To His Praise
- 07:20 God Makes No Mistakes - The Epleys - Closer To the Answer - 13763
- 07:18 Every Time I Feel the Spirit - Gayle Russ - Spirituals - 94209
- 07:15 John Saw - Kevin And Charlotte Birdsong - Ten Thousand Angels- 18913
- 07:11 Always The Same - Lacey Macrae - More Than Wonderful
- 07:05 2025-03-27 1521 Victory isn’t what it seems to be - Loretta Walker - CW Today
- 07:04 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 07:00 News - -
- 07:00 Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 edited JW - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1
- 06:58 I Am Going Home to Heaven - Golden State Baptist College - Theres Still Power in the Blood - 08609
- 06:55 I Found it All - Alvin Martinez - Precious Jesus
- 06:51 Knowing What I Know About Heaven - Dan Wolfe - I Heard It First on the Radio
- 06:48 But For The Blood - Faith Baptist Church Choir - Let The Redeemed Say So- 19924
- 06:47 FMR liner-Home Improve-RM-10secs - - FMR Liner
- 06:45 Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know - Shannon Knox - Jesus Is the Name My Heart Sings - 91145
- 06:42 Its Been A Good Trip - The Epleys - Hes Always Been Faithful
- 06:40 My God Is Real - Gayle Russ - Spirituals - 94209
- 06:37 Ive Seen the Rain - Kenny Calloway - Ill Continue in the Things I Have Heard - 12733
- 06:37 FMR-Listener Supported PROMO 3 - George McNerlin -
- 06:34 Fire in My Heart - Bruce Frye - Perfect Plan - 10690
- 06:31 Meet Me Over On The Other Side - Faithmen Quartet - Home Free- 19928
- 06:31 Radio Promo - Byron Foxx -
- 06:24 What An Anchor - Nate Toulson - What An Anchor - 19951
- 06:20 They Just Go On - The Epleys - News From Heaven - 19942
- 06:20 Liner - Steve Epley - Faith Music Radio
- 06:18 Jesus Is the Name My Heart Sings - Shannon Knox - Jesus Is the Name My Heart Sings - 91145
- 06:15 In Gods Hand - The Smith Family - In Gods Hands
- 06:12 Crimson River - The Heritage Trio - Because He Loved Me - 07570
- 06:09 Stand Still - Golden State Baptist College - Walkin by Faith - 11710
- 06:06 Lord, Youre All I Need - Cecily Hamilton - Sheltered - 11722
- 06:03 Hallelujah! We Shall Rise - Ed Russ - Acoustic Gospel Songs - 06529
- 05:59 What Grace Is Mine - Alicia Reagan, Faith Music Missions - Under His Wings
- 05:59 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 05:59 Legal ID Evansvilles Only... edited JW - Legal ID - Legal ID
- 05:55 Well Done My Child - The Smith Trio - Im Still Amazed - 07589
- 05:52 To Count for Jesus - Golden State Baptist College - Some Day - 12735
- 05:48 Speak, O LORD - Dan Wolfe - I Heard It First on the Radio
- 05:45 I Want Us to Be Together in Heaven - Sandie Slye - Were It Not for Grace - 06527
- 05:43 When Jesus Saved Me - The Epleys - Hes Always Been Faithful
- 05:40 Just Wait til He Stands Up - Sounds of Faith - I Shall Never Forget the Day - 04473
- 05:37 Gentle Shepherd - Ed Russ and The Old-Fashioned Quartet - Gentle Shepherd - 17893
- 05:33 Have You Been with Jesus? - The Rossi Family - Value Your Heritage - 04489
- 05:31 If Theres No God - Webster Trio - When I See the Cross - 11717
- 05:30 Birds—Unique Creations - Answers In Genesis - Answers with Ken Ham
- 05:26 Heres My Everything - Alisha Becker and The Nichols Family - Your Ways Are Higher Than Mine
- 05:22 The Center Of Your Will - Cecily Hamilton and Friends - The Light - 17881
- 05:16 The Love of God - Shannon Knox - My Mothers Bible - 97286
- 05:14 2025-03-26 - The Legal Alert - Legal Alert
- 05:11 I Need Jesus - Bruce Frye - Perfect Plan - 10690
- 05:07 Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus - Ed Russ - That I May Know Him - 98308
- 05:03 Peace, Sweet Peace - Friends Singing The Gospel - I Give You Freedom- 17896
- 05:01 He Loves To Save - Cecily Hamilton And Friends - The Hamiltons Together
- 05:00 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 05:00 Legal ID Evansvilles Only... edited JW - Legal ID - Legal ID
- 04:57 He Touched Me - Matt Mcmorris - In Christ Alone - 06532
- 04:54 Some Call It Heaven - Stephen Ray Nichols - Keep Eternity In View - 07566
- 04:52 O Love That Will Not Let me Go - Ed Russ and The Old-Fashioned Quartet - A Cappella Favorites
- 04:48 Jesus Never Fails - Nate Toulson - What An Anchor - 19951
- 04:48 FMR-Listener Supported PROMO-2 - JW -
- 04:44 Youre Still Good - John Talbert - Youre Still Good - 08631
- 04:41 Its Still True - Cecily Hamilton And Friends - He Is Jesus- 19914
- 04:38 Hallelujah for the Cross - Golden State Baptist College - Some Day - 12735
- 04:35 Well Cast Our Crowns at His Feet - Haven Heirs - Casting Our Crowns - 04483
- 04:35 A Shelter In The Time Of Storm - Faith Music Radio - FMR Liner
- 04:31 Ive Been to Calvary - The Nichols Family - Still Got a Song
- 04:30 0853 - Something To Think About - Something to Think About
- 04:28 Are You Washed in the Blood? - Dave Webster - Songs and Hymns of Meditation, Vol. 2 - 11719
- 04:26 City of Gold - The Old-Fashioned Quartet - His Hand in Mine - 11706
- 04:22 I Sing Because - Ken Shaffer - I Sing Because
- 04:18 Merciful to Me - The Vandenburgs - Happy Am I - 07578
- 04:14 Be Thou My Vision - Harvest Baptist Church - Wait on God - 10691
- 04:12 When My Name Is Read - The Faithmen - Never Too Far - 09640
- 04:09 Get on Board - Gayle Russ - Spirituals - 94209
- 04:07 He Can - The Epleys - Closer To the Answer - 13763
- 04:04 I Just Wanted You To Know - The Nichols Family - My Saviour Goes With Me- 18911
- 04:00 Take Shelter - Alicia Reagan, Faith Music Missions - Under His Wings
- 04:00 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 03:59 Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 edited JW - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1
- 03:57 Are You Washed in the Blood? - Dave Webster - Songs and Hymns of Meditation, Vol. 2 - 11719
- 03:54 He Still Speaks - Marion Avenue Boys - Soldiers Again - 02419
- 03:50 Brothers Twice - Bruce and Sammy Frye - Brothers Twice - 04482
- 03:47 Wonderful Peace - Shannon Knox - My Mothers Bible - 97286
- 03:44 Im Winging My Way Back Home - The Calvary Quartet - Singing Around the Piano, Vol. 1 - 11700
- 03:41 I Want To Know More About My Lord - The Old-Fashioned Quartet - His Hand in Mine - 11706
- 03:36 As The Deer-His Name Is Wonderful - Jennifer Skaw - In Love With The Savior
- 03:32 We Are Held in His Hand - Cathy Flores - Only a Prayer Away - 08615
- 03:29 Living In Love With The Lord - Ed Russ, Faith Music Missions - Music To Your Ears
- 03:29 FMR-Listener Supported PROMO 4 - George McNerlin -
- 03:27 I Shall Be Changed - Cecily Hamilton and Friends - Journey - 15832
- 03:24 Amazed Of Your Grace - The Norella Trio - Higher Ground - 19950
- 03:23 The Gospel is Heard Here - Tom Alvis - Liner
- 03:21 One More Time Will Do It - David Snider - Hide Me Behind the Cross - 05501
- 03:15 Who at My Door? - The Russ Brothers - The Russ Brothers - 94217
- 03:13 At Calvary - Dave Webster - Songs and Hymns of Meditation, Vol. 2 - 11719
- 03:09 God Will Provide - Cecily Hamilton and Friends - The Light - 17881
- 03:06 Signs of the Times - Gayle Russ - The Songs of Gayle Russ - 06555
- 03:03 Where Theres No Vision - Niki Lott - Consider Him - 15827
- 03:03 One Station Under God - TG -
- 03:00 The God I Serve - Abigail Rose Mccandless - Nothing Better
- 03:00 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 03:00 Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 edited JW - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1
- 02:57 Ive Passed Over into Caananland - Higher Praise Trio - Choose The Lord - 17875
- 02:54 Lamb of God - Tina Thompson - For His Glory - 11726
- 02:50 Amazed Of Your Grace - The Norella Trio - Higher Ground - 19950
- 02:48 Wonderful Grace of Jesus - The Old-Fashioned Quartet - I Know He Heard My Prayer
- 02:48 Radio Spot - Sheryl Shaffer - Faith Music Radio
- 02:44 Whispers in the Night - Cathy Flores - Its So Peaceful - 10689
- 02:40 How Deep The Fathers Love For Us - Maria Komisky - Glorious Love - 14798
- 02:40 Liner - Ken Shaffer - I Sing Because
- 02:38 Go Down Moses/Oh, Mary Dont You Weep - Ed Russ - When I Get Alone With God - 95237
- 02:34 Please Use Me - Bruce and Sammy Frye - A Mothers Love - 17871
- 02:34 FMR liner-Feel Good-RM-10sec - - FMR Liner
- 02:29 Numbers 8 24m - David Barbra - Draw Swords
- 02:26 Hide Me Behind The Cross - The Knox Family - I Have Been Blessed - 13786
- 02:25 The Gospel Is Heard Here - Faith Music Radio - FMR Liner
- 02:21 Sweet Beulah Land - Sterling Walsh, Jr. - The God on the Mountain - 07577
- 02:18 Gods Grace Reaches Farther - Webster Trio - When I See the Cross - 11717
- 02:14 Give It All To Jesus - Abigail Rose Mccandless - Nothing Better
- 02:00 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 02:00 Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1 edited JW - Legal ID ONE - WGAB, 93.1
- 01:57 Peace in the Shelter - Andrew Russ - Faithful to the Cross - 13767
- 01:54 The Heart Of A Champion - Bruce Frye - Adopted - 06542
- 01:51 Just Call His Name - The Daughertys - Just Call His Name - 08599
- 01:48 Gods Green Earth - Gayle Russ - My Childhood Days
- 01:44 He is Still - David J. Averbeck and The Harvest Ensemble - Sound The Light - 12743
- 01:40 Ill Meet You in the Morning - The Tharp Brothers - I Will Serve Thee - 06541
- 01:40 Alexa - BH -
- 01:36 Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness - The Albericos - Fundamental Hymns, Volume 2
- 01:33 What A Friend We Have In Jesus - Ed Russ And The Old-Fashioned Quartet - An Old Convention Song
- 01:32 Liner - Steve Epley - Faith Music Radio
- 01:31 Jesus Loves the Little Children - Shannon Knox - Jesus Is the Name My Heart Sings - 91145
- 01:28 LINER - FMR - Family Friendly - LINER - FMR - Family Friendly - FMR Liner
- 01:23 I Can Trust Jesus - Higher Praise Trio - Choose The Lord - 17875
- 01:20 Lay Them Down and Leave Them - The Heritage Trio - Because He Loved Me - 07570
- 01:19 06 - - Radio Witness
- 01:05 Wednesday, March 26 | The Nagging Volume of a Guilty Conscience (Matthew 14:1-12) - Everyday Truth - Everyday Truth with Kurt Skelly
- 01:05 Broadcast - Radiologik -
- 01:00 News - -
- 01:00 Legal ID Evansvilles Only... edited JW - Legal ID - Legal ID
- 05:10 Robbie Williams - Angels
- 05:08 Paula Abdul - Rush Rush
- 05:05 Robbie Williams & Gary Barlow - Shame
- 05:00 Llais Bronglais - The Voice of Bronglais
- 04:58 Meic Stevens - Gwenllian
- 04:51 Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time
- 04:48 Adele - Hello
- 04:45 Maroon 5 - Misery (acoustic)
- 04:42 John Ac Alun - Y Rhosyn Coch
- 04:38 Jimmy Ruffin - What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted
- 04:30 Cowbois Rhos Botwnnog - Cyn Iddi Fynd Rhy Hwyr
- 04:23 James Arthur - Impossible
- 04:20 Hergest - Dafydd Rhys
- 04:18 Stereophonics - Handbags & Gladrags
- 04:15 Lou Reed - Perfect Day
- 04:12 Dusty Springfield - The Look of Love
- 04:08 Bob Marley & The Wailers - One Love / People Get Ready
- 04:05 One Direction - Story Of My Life
- 04:00 Llais Bronglais - The Voice of Bronglais
- 03:54 Lewis Capaldi - Bruises
- 03:51 Johnny Logan - Hold Me Now
- 03:46 Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud
- 03:45 Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
- 03:39 Al Lewis Band - Dwr yn y Gwaed
- 03:35 Marvin Gaye - I Heard It Through The Grapevine
- 03:31 James Bay - Let It Go (live from Spotify London / 2015)
- 03:25 Pyroclastig - Dwytha'
- 03:21 Carpenters - Sing
- 03:17 The Connells - '74-'75
- 03:15 Rumer - Slow
- 03:11 Celt - Os rhaid i'r wers barhau?
- 03:08 Jasmine Thompson - La La La
- 03:05 Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
- 03:01 Llais Bronglais - The Voice of Bronglais
- 02:53 Gregorio Allegri - Miserere
- 02:52 John Barry - The Beyondness of Things
- 02:45 Sir Edward Elgar - Sospiri
- 02:37 Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni - Adagio for Strings and Organ in G minor: Adagio
- 02:28 Johannes Brahms - Lullaby (Wiegenlied)
- 02:12 Ralph Vaughan Williams - The Lark Ascending
- 02:10 Jay Ungar - Ashokan Farewell
- 02:05 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Piano Concerto no. 21 in C, K. 467: 2. Andante
- 01:59 Spice Girls - 2 Become 1
- 01:53 James Arthur - Impossible
- 01:50 Nina Simone - Feeling Good
- 01:43 Bob Delyn a'r Ebillion - Pethau Bychain Dewi Sant
- 01:40 Lewis Capaldi - Bruises
- 01:34 Jasmine Thompson - A Thousand Years
- 01:32 Tecwyn Ifan - Stesion Strata
- 01:26 Justin Hayward - Forever Autumn
- 01:25 Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time
- 01:21 Bendith - Mis Mehefin
- 01:14 Plan B - Love Goes Down
- 01:12 Hergest - Plentyn Y Pridd
- 01:05 Robbie Williams - Eternity
- показать всё
Радио Bronglais — это больничная радиостанция, расположенная в Аберистуите, Уэльс, которая обслуживает пациентов, персонал и посетителей больницы Bronglais General Hospital. Она была основана в 1970 году, что делает её одной из старейших больничных радиостанций в Великобритании. Станция управляется волонтёрами и предлагает разнообразие музыки, информацию о здоровье и развлекательные программы, адаптированные для своей аудитории. Она функционирует как зарегистрированная благотворительная организация и зависит от пожертвований и сборов средств для продолжения своей деятельности.