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- La Troja Radio
La Troja Radio afspeellijst
- 22:23 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
- 22:23 | | SongCastRadio |
- 22:21 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
- 22:16 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
- 22:16 | | SongCastRadio |
- 22:10 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
- 22:07 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
- 22:06 | | SongCastRadio |
- 22:03 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
- 21:59 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
- 21:59 | | SongCastRadio |
- 21:53 Cat Collins | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 785215
- 21:49 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
- 21:49 | | SongCastRadio |
- 21:45 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
- 21:33 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
- 21:32 | | SongCastRadio |
- 21:29 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
- 21:26 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
- 21:26 | | SongCastRadio |
- 21:24 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
- 21:19 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
- 21:19 | | SongCastRadio |
- 21:15 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
- 21:13 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
- 21:13 | | SongCastRadio |
- 21:08 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
- 21:04 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
- 21:04 | | SongCastRadio |
- 21:00 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
- 20:57 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
- 20:57 | | SongCastRadio |
- 20:54 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
- 20:50 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Once and for All | 2062208
- 20:43 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
- 20:43 | | SongCastRadio |
- 20:40 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
- 20:37 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
- 20:36 | | SongCastRadio |
- 20:33 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
- 20:29 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
- 20:29 | | SongCastRadio |
- 20:25 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
- 20:21 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
- 20:20 | | SongCastRadio |
- 20:16 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
- 20:12 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
- 20:12 | | SongCastRadio |
- 20:08 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
- 20:05 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
- 20:05 | | SongCastRadio |
- 20:00 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
- 19:55 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
- 19:55 | | SongCastRadio |
- 19:51 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
- 19:48 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
- 19:47 | | SongCastRadio |
- 19:44 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
- 19:40 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
- 19:39 | | SongCastRadio |
- 19:35 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
- 19:31 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
- 19:31 | | SongCastRadio |
- 19:26 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
- 19:22 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
- 19:21 | | SongCastRadio |
- 19:17 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
- 19:14 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
- 19:14 | | SongCastRadio |
- 19:11 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
- 19:07 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
- 19:07 | | SongCastRadio |
- 19:03 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
- 18:59 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
- 18:59 | | SongCastRadio |
- 18:57 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Guns of Fire | 1654367
- 18:54 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
- 18:54 | | SongCastRadio |
- 18:50 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
- 18:44 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
- 18:44 | | SongCastRadio |
- 18:39 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
- 18:35 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
- 18:35 | | SongCastRadio |
- 18:32 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
- 18:28 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
- 18:27 | | SongCastRadio |
- 18:22 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
- 18:18 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
- 18:18 | | SongCastRadio |
- 18:14 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
- 18:10 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
- 18:10 | | SongCastRadio |
- 18:04 Cat Collins | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 785215
- 18:01 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
- 18:01 | | SongCastRadio |
- 17:57 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
- 17:44 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
- 17:44 | | SongCastRadio |
- 17:40 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
- 17:38 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
- 17:38 | | SongCastRadio |
- 17:36 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
- 17:31 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
- 17:30 | | SongCastRadio |
- 17:27 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
- 17:24 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
- 17:24 | | SongCastRadio |
- 17:19 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
- 17:16 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
- 17:15 | | SongCastRadio |
- 17:12 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
- 17:08 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
- 17:08 | | SongCastRadio |
- 17:06 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
- 17:02 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Once and for All | 2062208
- 16:55 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
- 16:54 | | SongCastRadio |
- 16:51 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
- 16:48 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
- 16:48 | | SongCastRadio |
- 16:45 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
- 16:41 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
- 16:41 | | SongCastRadio |
- 16:37 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
- 16:32 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
- 16:32 | | SongCastRadio |
- 16:28 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
- 16:24 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
- 16:24 | | SongCastRadio |
- 16:19 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
- 16:17 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
- 16:17 | | SongCastRadio |
- 16:12 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
- 16:07 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
- 16:07 | | SongCastRadio |
- 16:03 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
- 15:59 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
- 15:59 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:55 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
- 15:51 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
- 15:51 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:46 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
- 15:43 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
- 15:43 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:38 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
- 15:33 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
- 15:33 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:29 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
- 15:26 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
- 15:26 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:22 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
- 15:18 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
- 15:18 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:15 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
- 15:11 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
- 15:11 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:09 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Guns of Fire | 1654367
- 15:06 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
- 15:06 | | SongCastRadio |
- 15:01 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
- 14:56 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
- 14:56 | | SongCastRadio |
- 14:51 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
- 14:46 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
- 14:46 | | SongCastRadio |
- 14:44 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
- 14:39 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
- 14:39 | | SongCastRadio |
- 14:33 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
- 14:30 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
- 14:30 | | SongCastRadio |
- 14:26 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
- 14:22 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
- 14:22 | | SongCastRadio |
- 14:16 Cat Collins | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 785215
- 14:13 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
- 14:12 | | SongCastRadio |
- 14:08 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
- 13:56 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
- 13:56 | | SongCastRadio |
- 13:52 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
- 13:50 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
- 13:50 | | SongCastRadio |
- 13:47 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
- 13:42 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
- 13:42 | | SongCastRadio |
- 13:38 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
- 13:36 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
- 13:36 | | SongCastRadio |
- 13:31 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
- 13:27 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
- 13:27 | | SongCastRadio |
- 13:23 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
- 13:20 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
- 13:20 | | SongCastRadio |
- 13:17 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
- 13:13 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Once and for All | 2062208
- 13:06 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
- 13:06 | | SongCastRadio |
- 13:03 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
- 13:00 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
- 13:00 | | SongCastRadio |
- 12:56 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
- 12:53 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
- 12:52 | | SongCastRadio |
- 12:48 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
- 12:44 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
- 12:43 | | SongCastRadio |
- 12:39 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
- 12:35 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
- 12:35 | | SongCastRadio |
- 12:31 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
- 12:29 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
- 12:28 | | SongCastRadio |
- 12:23 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
- 12:18 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
- 12:18 | | SongCastRadio |
- 12:14 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
- 12:11 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
- 12:11 | | SongCastRadio |
- 12:07 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
- 12:03 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
- 12:03 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:58 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
- 11:54 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
- 11:54 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:49 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
- 11:45 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
- 11:45 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:40 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
- 11:37 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
- 11:37 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:34 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
- 11:30 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
- 11:30 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:27 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
- 11:23 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
- 11:22 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:20 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Guns of Fire | 1654367
- 11:17 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
- 11:17 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:13 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
- 11:08 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
- 11:07 | | SongCastRadio |
- 11:02 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
- 10:58 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
- 10:58 | | SongCastRadio |
- 10:55 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
- 10:51 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
- 10:51 | | SongCastRadio |
- 10:45 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
- 10:41 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
- 10:41 | | SongCastRadio |
- 10:38 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
- 10:33 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
- 10:33 | | SongCastRadio |
- 10:27 Cat Collins | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 785215
- 10:24 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
- 10:24 | | SongCastRadio |
- 10:20 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
- 10:07 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
- 10:07 | | SongCastRadio |
- 10:03 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
- 10:01 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
- 10:01 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:59 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
- 09:54 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
- 09:53 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:50 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
- 09:47 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
- 09:47 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:42 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
- 09:39 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
- 09:39 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:35 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
- 09:31 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
- 09:31 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:29 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
- 09:25 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Once and for All | 2062208
- 09:18 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
- 09:18 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:15 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
- 09:11 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
- 09:11 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:08 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
- 09:04 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
- 09:04 | | SongCastRadio |
- 09:00 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
- 08:55 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
- 08:55 | | SongCastRadio |
- 08:51 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
- 08:47 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
- 08:47 | | SongCastRadio |
- 08:43 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
- 08:40 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
- 08:40 | | SongCastRadio |
- 08:35 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
- 08:30 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
- 08:30 | | SongCastRadio |
- 08:26 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
- 08:22 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
- 08:22 | | SongCastRadio |
- 08:18 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
- 08:14 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
- 08:14 | | SongCastRadio |
- 08:10 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
- 08:06 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
- 08:06 | | SongCastRadio |
- 08:01 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
- 07:56 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
- 07:56 | | SongCastRadio |
- 07:52 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
- 07:49 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
- 07:49 | | SongCastRadio |
- 07:45 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
- 07:42 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
- 07:41 | | SongCastRadio |
- 07:38 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
- 07:34 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
- 07:34 | | SongCastRadio |
- 07:32 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Guns of Fire | 1654367
- 07:29 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
- 07:29 | | SongCastRadio |
- 07:24 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
- 07:19 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
- 07:19 | | SongCastRadio |
- 07:14 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
- 07:09 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
- 07:09 | | SongCastRadio |
- 07:07 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
- 07:02 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
- 07:02 | | SongCastRadio |
- 06:57 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
- 06:53 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
- 06:53 | | SongCastRadio |
- 06:49 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
- 06:45 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
- 06:45 | | SongCastRadio |
- 06:39 Cat Collins | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 785215
- 06:36 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
- 06:36 | | SongCastRadio |
- 06:32 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
- 06:19 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
- 06:19 | | SongCastRadio |
- 06:15 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
- 06:13 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
- 06:13 | | SongCastRadio |
- 06:10 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
- 06:05 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
- 06:05 | | SongCastRadio |
- 06:01 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
- 05:59 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
- 05:59 | | SongCastRadio |
- 05:54 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
- 05:50 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
- 05:50 | | SongCastRadio |
- 05:47 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
- 05:43 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
- 05:43 | | SongCastRadio |
- 05:40 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
- 05:37 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Once and for All | 2062208
- 05:29 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
- 05:29 | | SongCastRadio |
- 05:26 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
- 05:23 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
- 05:23 | | SongCastRadio |
- 05:19 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
- 05:16 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
- 05:16 | | SongCastRadio |
- 05:11 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
- 05:07 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
- 05:07 | | SongCastRadio |
- 05:02 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
- 04:58 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
- 04:58 | | SongCastRadio |
- 04:54 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
- 04:52 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
- 04:51 | | SongCastRadio |
- 04:46 Meerkeime | A Grave for Your Grief | A Grave for Your Grief | 1746629
- 04:41 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | CUSoon | 288354
- 04:41 | | SongCastRadio |
- 04:37 Skoshe | Stained Glass | The Letter | 1838676
- 04:34 Southdogrock | The Street | The Street | 1646411
- 04:34 | | SongCastRadio |
- 04:30 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Babylon | 1981167
- 04:26 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | The Devils Cross | 2037001
- 04:26 | | SongCastRadio |
- 04:21 Cia Dm | Ou Va Le Monde? | Ou Va Le Monde? | 1764815
- 04:17 Lucrecia | All I Want Is You | All I Want Is You | 579704
- 04:17 | | SongCastRadio |
- 04:12 Tinalien | Running Away (What's the Reason) | Running Away (What's the Reason) | 1656408
- 04:08 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Before Tomorrow | 2036999
- 04:08 | | SongCastRadio |
- 04:04 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Ice & Fire | 2036995
- 04:01 Keyboard John | She's Leavin' | She's Leavin' | 1745650
- 04:00 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:57 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Chaos | 1732299
- 03:53 Kid Zapper | Please Stop the War | Please Stop the War | 1868052
- 03:53 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:50 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Crazy | 2036998
- 03:46 Tin Alien | World's Apart | World's Apart | 1834696
- 03:45 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:43 Negative Man | Nobody Cares | Guns of Fire | 1654367
- 03:40 Kid Hustle | Bones | Bones | 1820349
- 03:40 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:36 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Nights Calling Your Name | 1838677
- 03:31 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Take Hold | 288351
- 03:31 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:25 Gar Wicca | Tuff Stuff | Rebles | 2077777
- 03:21 Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | No One Gets Out Alive | 619935
- 03:21 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:18 Rodney Burgess | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | I Fell Off My Guitar Again Last Night (v. Remix) | 1686092
- 03:14 Redhorse | United We Stand | United We Stand | 1783848
- 03:14 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:08 Viogression | 3rd Stage of Decay | From Dust | 1786636
- 03:05 Against The Plagues | Calculated Treason | Calculated Treason | 2061817
- 03:04 | | SongCastRadio |
- 03:01 Snake Venom Superman | Malleus Maleficarum | Malleus Maleficarum | 2042854
- 02:57 John Michael Karnatz | We Keep On Rollin' | We Keep On Rollin' | 2084930
- 02:56 | | SongCastRadio |
- 02:51 Cat Collins | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 2000 Miles from the Totem Pole | 785215
- 02:47 Lucrecia | Insanity In The City | Insanity In The City | 537652
- 02:47 | | SongCastRadio |
- 02:43 Lucrecia | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | Shadow (v. Rock Remix) | 534443
- 02:30 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Not a Slave | 1732291
- 02:30 | | SongCastRadio |
- 02:27 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076701
- 02:24 Commas Save Lives | Oink | Oink | 2045058
- 02:24 | | SongCastRadio |
- 02:22 Mercy Vibe | Peaceful Med | Peaceful Med | 1955887
- 02:17 Jacob Marshall | RedHot | RedHot | 2054216
- 02:17 | | SongCastRadio |
- 02:13 Welcome To The Numb | Walls | Walls | 1540231
- 02:11 Teri Hart | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbon | Nothin' Yellow But The Ribbons | 34609
- 02:10 | | SongCastRadio |
- 02:05 The Old Ghost | The Darkness Unwinds | Another Place Another Time | 1981162
- 02:02 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | What Goes Around | 1732290
- 02:02 | | SongCastRadio |
- 01:58 Mike Gough | You Go First | You Go First | 2076699
- 01:55 Iron Bone Band | Bones Of Iron | Marks Blow | 277346
- 01:54 | | SongCastRadio |
- 01:52 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Rockabilly Rebell | 861590
- 01:48 Rust Age | Sins & Dreams | Once and for All | 2062208
- 01:41 Iron Bone Band | Iron Bones | Run Now | 1732294
- 01:41 | | SongCastRadio |
- 01:38 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | To All the Girls | 861581
- 01:34 The Moths | Sunset Blues | Sunset Blues | 953672
- 01:34 | | SongCastRadio |
- 01:31 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | The Hunter | 426949
- 01:27 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Heartbreaker | 2036996
- 01:27 | | SongCastRadio |
- 01:23 Lucrecia | Lucrecia | No One Gets Out Alive | 426950
- 01:18 Skoshe | Stained Glass | Stained Glass | 1838678
- 01:18 | | SongCastRadio |
- 01:14 Alex Brighenti & Bill Gillham | Mirthwood Forest | Mirthwood Forest | 1160416
- 01:10 Lionel Ward | To All the Girls (That Everybody Knew) | Its Only Make Believe | 861586
- 01:10 | | SongCastRadio |
- 01:06 Claire Gaynor | Ice & Fire | Go On | 2036997
- 01:03 Mike Gough | Ride Away | Ride Away | 2088040
- 01:03 | | SongCastRadio |
- alles weergeven
La Troja Radio is een bekende radiozender gevestigd in Barranquilla, Colombia, die bekend staat om zijn toewijding aan salsamuziek en Caribische ritmes. Het fungeert als een verlengstuk van La Troja, een populaire en iconische salsabar in de stad, die wordt geroemd om zijn culturele impact op de muziekscene van Barranquilla. Het station zendt online uit en bedient zowel lokale als internationale salsaliefhebbers. Door middel van zijn programmering behoudt en promoot La Troja Radio de rijke traditie van salsa- en Afro-Caribische muziek, waardoor het een cultureel icoon in Colombia is.
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