Word of Truth Radio - Instrumental Hymns。
Word of Truth Radio - Instrumental Hymns プレイリスト
- 09:49 Hymns of Praise and Wonder - This is My Father's World
- 09:46 Janice Faber - Amazing Grace
- 09:43 Diane & Oscar Kosasrin - The Lord's Prayer
- 09:39 Hymns of Prayer - I Surrender All
- 09:34 Michael R Hicks - Place of Healing
- 09:29 Green Hill - Ye Christian Prelude & Choral
- 09:25 Calvin Taylor - Lead On O King Eternal
- 09:21 David Nevue - No More Tears
- 09:17 Judy Wolter Bailey - Nearer Still Nearer
- 09:14 Tom Harder - Abide With Me
- 09:12 Maranatha Music - Now Thank We All Our God
- 09:10 101 Strings - Rock Of Ages
- 09:06 Simplicity Praise, Vol 8 - No Other Name
- 09:02 Jan Mulder - How Deep The Father's Love
- 08:57 Gordon Mote - Hallelujah What A Savior
- 08:55 Margaret E. Haines - God Of Our Fathers
- 08:51 The Supreme Strings - He Touched Me
- 08:46 Wigtune Company - Holy Holy Holy
- 08:43 Hymns of the Evening - A Mighty Fortress is Our God
- 08:39 Jonathon Willis - My Place in This World
- 08:36 For His Honor - My Peace
- 08:33 Eric Wyse - Be Still and Know
- 08:30 Rick Foster - In the Sweet By and By
- 08:26 Simplicity Praise Harp & Flute - I Love You Lord
- 08:23 Vineyard Music - Spirit Song
- 08:20 Phil Kristianson / Shawn Tubbs - To the Lamb
- 08:16 Steve Hall - Savior Like a Shepherd
- 08:11 Hymns of Comfort - Be Still My Soul
- 08:07 Tom Harder - Shall We Gather at the River
- 08:03 Stanton Lanier - One By One (Isaiah 40:26)
- 08:01 Linda Kazmarek - It is Well With My Soul
- 07:58 Elegant Strings - Come Christians Join to Sing
- 07:56 Hymns for the Wounded Heart - Jesus the Very Thought of Thee
- 07:53 Hymns of Heaven - My Savior First of All
- 07:51 Jerry Dadap, Jr. - Trust and Obey
- 07:46 Discovery House Music - Wonderful Words of Life
- 07:43 Aramis Quartet - O Let Me Walk With Thee
- 07:40 Margaret E. Haines - Amazing Grace
- 07:34 Simplicity Praise 6 Celtic - I Want To Be Where You Are
- 07:31 Hymns of the Night - O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
- 07:27 For His Honor - I'm a Life
- 07:23 Hymns of the Morning - When Morning Gilds the Skies
- 07:19 Our Daily Bread - Angel Band
- 07:16 Hymns of Graditude - This Is My Father's World
- 07:11 Simplicity Praise Harp & Flute - When I Look Into Your Holiness
- 07:09 David Osborne - Jesus Is Coming
- 07:06 Calvin Taylor - Morning Has Broken
- 07:03 Tammi Yates - God is so Good
- 06:59 Brothers - What a Friend We Have In Jesus
- 06:57 The London Fox Players - When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- 06:53 Tom Harder - Spirit of God Descend
- 06:50 Pete Huttlinger - Abide With Me
- 06:47 Hymns International, Ireland - What Wondrous Love is This
- 06:43 Simplicity, Vol 3 - The River Is Wide
- 06:40 Janice Faber - My Jesus I Love Thee
- 06:36 Linda Kazmarek - I Believe
- 06:34 Tom Keene - You Are My Hiding Place
- 06:30 Simple Gifts of the Northwest - Unfailing Love
- 06:24 Stanton Lanier - Wellspring
- 06:19 Love Will Be Our Home - Our Children, God's Children
- 06:16 For His Honor - When Peace Like A River
- 06:11 Tom Howard - On Wings As Eagles
- 06:06 Our Daily Bread - Peace Like a River
- 06:02 Joyful Harps - Rock of Ages
- 05:57 Roland G. - Jesus Paid It All
- 05:53 Kapelle Music - Come Now Almighty King
- 05:51 Margaret E. Haines - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- 05:48 Phillip Keveren - Were You There
- 05:45 Rick Foster & David Dunn - Savior Like a Shepherd
- 05:41 Calvin Taylor - God Leads Us Along
- 05:38 HarpSong - On Eagle's Wings
- 05:34 Dave Delgado - Devotion
- 05:32 Jack Jezzro - Jesus Loves Me
- 05:29 The Supreme Strings - Alleluia
- 05:26 Guitar Hymns - Abide With Me
- 05:23 Linda Kazmarek - Friends Medley
- 05:20 Rick Foster And David Dunn - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
- 05:17 Fairhope - Wonderful Peace
- 05:12 Brentwood Music - There is a Fountain
- 05:09 Simple Gifts of the Northwest - Spring's Melody
- 05:06 Gordon Mote - Just As I Am
- 05:02 Fred McKinnon - Give Thanks
- 04:59 Kevin B Selby - I Surrender All
- 04:56 Eric Wyse - Holy Holy Holy
- 04:52 Hymns of the Night - It is Well With My Soul
- 04:47 Stanton Lanier - Spread Your Wings
- 04:45 Joyful Harps - When I Can Read My Title Clear
- 04:42 Tom Harder - In Thee is Gladness
- 04:39 Wigtune Company - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- 04:35 Hymns for the Wounded Heart - Be Still and Know
- 04:32 Our Daily Bread - Like a River Glorious
- 04:29 Hymns of the Day - My Savior's Love
- 04:27 The Northlake String Band - I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- 04:23 David Osborne - What A Friend We Have in Jesus
- 04:19 John Troutman - Whispering Hope
- 04:17 Carol McClure - We Have Met/A Foundation
- 04:14 Hymns of Prayer - Take My Life and Let It Be
- 04:09 Bob Somma - Faithful One
- 04:06 Simplicity Vol 9 Irish Hymns - A Balm In Gilead
- 04:02 Instrumental Hymn Players - The Old Rugged Cross
- 03:57 L. McKechnie & Don Marsh Orch. - As the Deer / The Swan
- 03:53 Calvin Taylor - All Hail The Power of Jesus Name
- 03:50 Hymns International, Ireland - Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy
- 03:48 Brentwood Records - Savior, Like a Shepherd
- 03:46 Phillip Keveren - Come, Thou Fount
- 03:41 Brothers - Psalm 121
- 03:36 Stanton Lanier - Eternity
- 03:30 Michael Zygmunt - Jacob's Ladder
- 03:27 For His Honor - Amazing Grace
- 03:23 Roger Mayor - Liebestraume/I Love You Lord
- 03:18 L. McKechnie & Don Marsh - Tis So Sweet/Claire de Lune
- 03:13 Simplicity, Volume 1: Piano - Sweet Hour of Prayer
- 03:10 Hymns of the Day - Amazing Love
- 03:06 Mark Baldwin - Holy Holy Holy
- 03:03 The Supreme Strings - All My Life Long
- 02:59 Doug Perkins - Father
- 02:57 Hymns of Day - What a Wonderful Savior
- 02:54 Elegant Strings - Our Great Savior
- 02:50 Steve Hall - You'll Never Walk Alone
- 02:47 Margaret E. Haines - In The Garden
- 02:44 RoseWynde - How Can I Keep From Singing
- 02:41 Aramis Quartet - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
- 02:38 Hymns of Gratitude - Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart
- 02:35 The London Fox Players - O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus
- 02:33 The Steeple on the Common - Thou Fount of Every Blessing
- 02:28 Best of Classical Praise - Were You There
- 02:23 Maranatha Music - For the Beauty of the Earth
- 02:21 Lee Galloway - Cannon In D
- 02:16 Hymns of the Evening - Jesus Paid It All
- 02:12 Our Daily Bread - Morning/Father's World
- 02:08 Bernhard Herms - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
- 02:05 Jerry Dadap, Jr. - Sweet Hour of Prayer
- 02:01 Favorite Hymns - The Prayer
- 01:58 Joyful Harps - In My Heart There Rings a Melody
- 01:55 Hymns of Praise and Wonder - Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus
- 01:51 Calvin Taylor - Beneath the Cross of Jesus
- 01:48 Simple Gifts of the Northwest - Everytime I Feel the Spirit
- 01:41 Fred F. McKinnon - Restless
- 01:38 Margaret E. Haines - To God Be The Glory
- 01:34 Mark Baldwin - El Shaddai
- 01:31 Judy Wolter Bailey - Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
- 01:25 Tom Harder - What Wondrous Love
- 01:22 Linda Kazmarek - Above All
- 01:19 Hymns of Comfort - Jesus The Very Thought of Thee
- 01:17 David Osborne - In His Love
- 01:14 Brothers - Give Me Jesus
- 01:08 Hymns of the Evening - Now the Day is Over
- 01:04 Stanton Lanier - Shine (Numbers 6:24-26)
- すべて表示
ワード・オブ・トゥルース・ラジオ - クリスマス・クラシックスは、伝統的でクラシックなクリスマス音楽を配信することを専門とする、アメリカ拠点のオンラインラジオ局です。このステーションは、平穏でキリスト中心のリスニング体験を提供することに重点を置いており、賛美歌、キャロル、そしてホリデーシーズンを祝う楽器演奏の音楽を特集しています。「ワード・オブ・トゥルース・ラジオ」ネットワークの一部であり、様々なクリスチャンおよび礼拝に特化した音楽チャンネルを提供しています。このラジオ局は一年中アクセス可能ですが、特にクリスマスシーズンに人気があります。
Word of Truth Radio - Instrumental Hymns レビュー