Hitsujikai Radio プレイリスト
- 11:34 Glenn Christianson - O Worship the King
- 11:31 織田史彦・仁子 - イエスさまは私をば
- 11:24 Krista Sivnksty - My Father's Plea
- 11:21 Hitsujikai Radio 1 - Jyuujika no ue nite
- 11:17 BJU Hand Bell Choir - Fantasy On "King's Weston"
- 11:17 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID6A
- 11:03 バイブル ストーリー - 112 主はよみがえられた
- 11:01 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 11
- 11:01 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID5A OceanSurf
- 10:57 Sacred Music Services - Holy, Holy, Holy
- 10:53 トム望 Nozomi Tom - まどろむ世界に Christ has risen while earth slumbers
- 10:51 The Potter Family - I Am Thine
- 10:49 Baillies Mills Accordion Band - Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb/Power In The Blood/O Happy Day
- 10:47 柴田真佐子 Shibata Masako - みめぐみによりて
- 10:43 Nina & Selena Hall - Tell It to Jesus - Whisper a Prayer
- 10:40 Designer - Rejoice Ye Pure
- 10:36 織田史彦・仁子 - 主イエスよ、あなたは
- 10:34 Teshio Baputesuto Seisho Kyoukai - 日々の光 03月03日 夕
- 10:34 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 12
- 10:31 Heritage Strings - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
- 10:29 Alan Ives and John Laine - I Shall Not Be Moved
- 10:27 The MacDonald Family Singers - Trumpet Medley
- 10:22 Midorigaoka Baputesuto Kyoukai - 永遠の神の都
- 10:19 J. Richard Szeremany - King Of Love My Shepherd
- 10:17 Hitsujikai Radio 1 - Mikami no Ai o ba
- 10:14 Harold DeCou - Wonderful Grace of Jesus
- 10:10 Artisans in Brass - My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
- 10:07 織田史彦・仁子 - 心を主イエスに注ぎ出すとき
- 10:03 Inmanueru Seisho Baputesuto Kyoukai - EBE 03月03日
- 10:02 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID1A ShowerOfBlessings
- 10:00 Steve Pettit 伝道チーム - All Hail the Power
- 09:58 Danelle Alexander and Esther Hobbs - There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing
- 09:55 Craig Duncan - For the Beauty of the Earth
- 09:51 トム望 Nozomi Tom - 驚くほどの主の愛 HE LOOKED BEYOND MY FAULT AND SAW MY NEED
- 09:48 Baillies Mills Accordion Band - Precious Memories / Before I Met You
- 09:46 The Hall Family - Are You Washed In the Blood?
- 09:43 織田史彦・仁子 - 救われた者はその幸せを
- 09:42 Heritage Strings - He Keeps Me Singing
- 09:38 David Chapman - Come, Ye Disconsolate
- 09:36 ジョン・ランドール John Randall - Praise Him! Praise Him!
- 09:35 Hitsujikai Radio Kids - Hallelujah
- 09:31 Ellen Ives On Harp W - Children's Medley
- 09:31 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID8V Friend
- 09:28 Midorigaoka Baputesuto Kyoukai - IdeSpecial1
- 09:25 Steve Pettit 伝道チーム - In Christ Alone
- 09:20 トム望 Nozomi Tom - 持ち溢れる恵み The Fullness of Grace
- 09:15 Mulfingers - Stricken Smitten
- 09:13 David & Ruth Brown - Why
- 09:10 Worship Service Resources - Calvary Covers It All
- 09:07 柴田真佐子 Shibata Masako - 恵みは満ちあふれる
- 09:04 Faye Lopez - A Mighty Fortress
- 09:01 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 28
- 08:57 The Potter Family - Wonderful Peace
- 08:54 織田史彦・仁子 - 朝霧にぬれる森も
- 08:51 Bible Truth Music - In The Garden
- 08:48 Baillies Mills Accordion Band - I Love To Tell The Story / The Churches' One Foundation
- 08:46 Bob Jones University Brass - And Can It Be That I Should Gain?
- 08:42 トム望 Nozomi Tom - 罪を知らない方が He Who Knew No Sin
- 08:40 Glenn Christianson - Rescue the Perishing
- 08:39 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID10 GodsWordMedley2
- 08:36 Foundation Brass - Wonderful Peace
- 08:34 Worship Service Resources - Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
- 08:30 Milk & Honey - Joyful Joyful
- 08:29 めぐみ聖書バプテスト教会キッズ - 12弟子
- 08:27 Carolyn Hobbs - Under His Wings
- 08:23 織田史彦・仁子 - 主イエスが下さるものはすべて
- 08:20 Nina Rose Hall - Thanks to God, Thank You Lord
- 08:19 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 17
- 08:15 Danelle Alexander and Esther Hobbs - To Love Him More Medley
- 08:05 バイブル ストーリー - 112 主はよみがえられた
- 08:02 柴田真佐子 Shibata Masako - そのときまで
- 08:01 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID2A WonderfulGrace Long
- 07:59 Bob Jones University Brass - Come, Thou Almighty King
- 07:57 Bible Truth Music - Jesus Loves Even Me
- 07:54 Baillies Mills Accordion Band - There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing / There Is A Name
- 07:50 Majesty Brass - For All the Saints
- 07:47 織田史彦・仁子 - 喜びの知らせを
- 07:43 Heritage Strings - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- 07:43 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 18
- 07:41 Danelle Alexander and Esther Hobbs - O Worship The King
- 07:38 Jennifer Hall - Holy, Holy, Holy
- 07:34 ルア・ワーシップ Ruah Worship - たたえよ栄光の神 カバー All Heaven Declares
- 07:31 Worship Service Resources - There Is a Fountain
- 07:31 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 16
- 07:27 BJU Hand Bell Choir - Sweet Hour Of Prayer
- 07:25 Mike Shrock - Jesus Led Me All the Way
- 07:22 織田史彦・仁子 - ほめ歌え、神は愛される
- 07:19 Nate Toulson - Jesus Led Me All the Way
- 07:19 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 15
- 07:18 Hitsujikai Radio - BibleOutro
- 07:10 Shinyaku Seisho - (S01 14) マタイ10章
- 07:02 Shinyaku Seisho - (S01 13) マタイ9章
- 07:01 Hitsujikai Radio - BibleIntro
- 06:59 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 08
- 06:55 J. Richard Szeremany - Nearer My God To Thee
- 06:53 ブライアン・ピーナ Brian Pinner - Breathing After Holy Spirit
- 06:51 織田史彦・仁子 - 風吹くとも恐れはなく
- 06:48 Worship Service Resources - Rejoice the Lord Is King
- 06:45 Bob Jones University Brass - How Firm A Foundation
- 06:43 Bible Truth Music - Amazing Grace
- 06:36 トム望 Nozomi Tom - あなたのその手は Your Hands Are
- 06:34 Mike Paramore - I'm Goin' Home
- 06:33 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 13a
- 06:29 柴田真佐子 Shibata Masako - イエスはわがいのち
- 06:26 The Mickelson Orchestra - I'd Rather Have Jesus
- 06:23 兵庫県三木市緑が丘バプテスト教会 - 十字架のかげに#396 - Near The Cross
- 06:20 Tracey Ann Collins - Concerto In Joy Major
- 06:17 Mike Paramore - I'm Adopted
- 06:15 Shelby Caron - I'd Rather Have Jesus
- 06:12 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 12
- 06:05 Ellen Ives On Harp W - He Looked Beyong My Fault
- 06:03 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID9 GodsWordMedley1
- 06:00 Psallontes - Jehovah Jireh
- 05:56 ジョン・ランドール John Randall - Day By Day
- 05:52 柴田真佐子 Shibata Masako - だれにも言えない
- 05:50 Bible Truth Music - I Sing The Mighty Power
- 05:48 Nina Rose Hall - Honey In the Rock
- 05:45 織田史彦・仁子 - 世界はこんなに美しいが
- 05:44 Mike Paramore - All That I Need
- 05:42 Bill Todd - Since I Have Been Redeemed
- 05:40 Faye Lopez - Immortal Invisible
- 05:37 Hitsujikai Radio 1 - Kimimo Sokoni Itanoka
- 05:34 Worship Service Resources - This Is My Father's World
- 05:34 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID1T ShowerOfBlessings
- 05:32 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 22
- 05:28 Majesty Music - Medley On the Prescence of God
- 05:23 Midorigaoka Baputesuto Kyoukai - ホサンナ!
- 05:19 Nina Rose Hall - Hiding In Thee, He Hideth My Soul, Under His Wings
- 05:15 David Warren - Piano - A Mighty Fortress
- 05:12 Glenn Christianson - How Great Thou Art
- 05:08 トム望 Nozomi Tom - 主よ心をささげます Lord I give You My Heart
- 05:03 The MacDonald Family Singers - What A Friend
- 05:00 織田史彦・仁子 - 導きたまえ、手を取り
- 05:00 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 18
- 04:57 Bob Jones University Orchestra - Like A River Glorious
- 04:53 The Bickish Kids - 主、わが望み
- 04:50 The Potter Family - Heaven Medley
- 04:47 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 18
- 04:45 Steve Pettit 伝道チーム - A Heart of Stone
- 04:43 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID11Tanya
- 04:40 Glenn Christianson - In the Garden
- 04:36 Nina Rose Hall - I've Found a Friend, What a Friend We Have In Jesus
- 04:33 Midorigaoka Baputesuto Kyoukai - なぜ
- 04:31 David Chapman - Come Christians Join To Sing
- 04:30 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID Ch 1
- 04:28 マシュー・バンタナー Matthew Burtner - Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Wretched
- 04:25 Worship Service Resources - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
- 04:21 Joshua Mine - 安息 Rest
- 04:18 Ellen Ives On Harp W - Just As I Am
- 04:18 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID 17
- 04:18 Hitsujikai Radio - BibleOutro
- 04:09 Shinyaku Seisho - (S01 14) マタイ10章
- 04:02 Shinyaku Seisho - (S01 13) マタイ9章
- 04:01 Hitsujikai Radio - (S01 12) マタイ9〜10章 (Matt. 9-10)
- 04:01 Hitsujikai Radio - BibleIntro
- 04:00 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID7V
- 03:57 Faye Lopez - Wonderful Peace
- 03:55 Worship Service Resources - Rock of Ages
- 03:54 めぐみ聖書バプテスト教会キッズ - 福音の汽車
- 03:52 Heritage Strings - Springs Of Living Water
- 03:49 Danelle Alexander and Esther Hobbs - Led Home By Grace Medley
- 03:45 Joan Pinkston - Our Great Saviour
- 03:43 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 17
- 03:39 Steve Pettit 伝道チーム - More Love
- 03:36 ザ ピーナ ファミリー The Pinner Family - Is Your All On The Alter
- 03:33 Mike Shrock - Victory in Jesus
- 03:30 The Mickelson Orchestra - Jesus Lover Of My Soul
- 03:28 Kansai Independent Baptist Bible School - キリストのように
- 03:25 Dalton - Track 03
- 03:21 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 14
- 03:18 Bob Jones University Brass - Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated
- 03:18 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID6A
- 03:14 SMS Brass - It Is Well
- 03:05 バイブル ストーリー - 112 主はよみがえられた
- 03:05 Hitsujikai Radio - BLS Intro
- 03:01 Kansai Independent Baptist Bible School - 世をあげて
- 03:00 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID1A ShowerOfBlessings
- 02:57 Bob Jones University Symphony Orchestra - I Sing The Mighty Power Of God
- 02:55 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 16
- 02:52 Milk & Honey - What Wonderous Love
- 02:49 Foundation Brass - My Faith Looks Up to Thee
- 02:46 Hitsujikai Radio 1 - Kujyuuku Hiki no Hitsuji wa
- 02:43 Baillies Mills Accordion Band - Yield Not To Temptation
- 02:40 John & Kim Tracy - There Is a Fountain
- 02:36 Joan Pinkston - The Love Of God
- 02:33 Kansai Independent Baptist Bible School - 十字架をイエスより
- 02:31 ザ ピーナ ファミリー The Pinner Family - God Is Love
- 02:31 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID9A Springs
- 02:28 織田史彦・仁子 - 愛する主イエスにゆだね歩めば
- 02:25 The Mickelson Orchestra - Marvelous Grace
- 02:23 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 01
- 02:20 Worship Service Resources - Just As I Am
- 02:16 Greg Howlett - I'd Rather Have Jesus
- 02:11 Joan Pinkston - Great God Of Wonders
- 02:07 Midorigaoka Baputesuto Kyoukai - おかにたてるあらけずりの
- 02:03 Alan Ives and John Laine - Love Lifted Me
- 02:02 Hitsujikai Radio Kids - Come to the Saviour
- 02:02 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID8V Friend
- 01:58 Worship Service Resources - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- 01:56 Seminole String Band - He Leadeth Me
- 01:53 柴田真佐子 Shibata Masako - わたしのように
- 01:50 The Mickelson Orchestra - For God So Loved the World
- 01:47 J. Richard Szeremany - All Things Bright Beautiful
- 01:43 Kansai Independent Baptist Bible School - なが手に返さん
- 01:39 Nina & Selena Hall - Where He Leads I'll Follow - I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
- 01:36 ニコルス - Nichols - When He Cometh
- 01:33 柴田真佐子 Shibata Masako - イエスは神であるのに
- 01:29 Lindsey Krug - Redeemed
- 01:29 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID2A WonderfulGrace Short
- 01:27 Shelby Caron - Holy Bible Book Devine
- 01:25 Bible Truth Music - Blessed Assurance
- 01:22 Bob Jones University Symphony Orchestra - Great Is Thy Faithfulness
- 01:19 沖縄聖書バプテスト教会 - Track 20
- 01:15 Greg Howlett - Blessed Assurance
- 01:12 Worship Service Resources - Amazing Grace
- 01:11 めぐみ聖書バプテスト教会キッズ - サムエルさん
- 01:07 Baillies Mills Accordion Band - Father Again In Jesus's Name We Meet / Nearer, Still Nearer
- 01:04 Faye Lopez - Leaning On The Ever Lasting Arms
- 01:01 Teshio Baputesuto Seisho Kyoukai - 日々の光 03月03日 朝
- 01:00 Hitsujikai Radio - RadioID2A WonderfulGrace Long
- すべて表示
Hitsujikai Radio(ひつじかいラジオ)は、日本のクリスチャン向けオンラインラジオ局で、主に聖書の教え、説教、賛美歌などを放送しています。その名前「ひつじかい」は英語で「Shepherd(羊飼い)」を意味しており、キリスト教のメッセージを広めるという使命を反映しています。このラジオ局は日本語を話すリスナーを対象としており、霊的な指導や支援を提供することを目指しています。非営利のミニストリーとして運営されており、オンラインプラットフォームを通じて世界中からアクセス可能です。