LA Talk Radio - Channel 1
LA Talk Radio - Channel 1 playlist
04:59 Ultimatelife - 030425
04:55 Emorie The Coldest Part Stripped lead vocal 4 03
04:52 Fare Ye Well South Australia Stripped lead vocal 3 06
04:48 Colder Months There s No Justice Stripped lead vocal 4 29
04:45 Carmen Justice Rocket Ship Stripped lead vocal 2 44
04:41 Emorie You Stripped Back lead vocal 4 07
04:37 Chantry Smith Lie To Me Stripped lead vocal 3 33
04:34 Joshua Nichols After All These Years Stripped lead vocal 3 30
04:31 Avatar Drop Dead Gorgeous Stripped Version lead vocal 3 01
04:28 Avatar Open Book Stripped lead vocal 2 51
04:25 Nu Alkemi t Where You Are Feat Jessie Villa lead vocal 3 29
04:21 Nu Alkemi t Pull Me Back Feat Jessie Villa lead vocal 3 46
04:18 Nu Alkemi t Anyone Feat Jessie Villa lead vocal 3 43
04:14 St Emmelia One Night More Stripped lead vocal 3 29
04:11 Noah Smith Do You Stripped lead vocal 3 13
04:07 Joshua Nichols The Waiting Stripped lead vocal 4 20
04:03 Snow Bones Sleep Tonight Stripped lead vocal 3 55
04:00 Snow Bones Cool Kids Stripped lead vocal 4 10
03:58 Antioch Mass Choir Oh The Blood of Jesus lead vocal 1 58
03:56 Andy Ellison Bright Morning Sun instrumental 1 51
03:53 Antioch Mass Choir Amazing Grace lead vocal 2 32
02:57 Andy Ellison Love In Orbit instrumental 3 54
02:53 Alright Years Long Lost Words Stripped lead vocal 3 13
02:49 Violet Island Where We Are Now lead vocal 4 42
02:46 Timber Choir Carry Me Along Stripped lead vocal 3 13
02:02 Mix by audio -
01:58 Timber Choir Initials Stripped lead vocal 4 00
01:56 Mikey Geiger Come Back To My Heart Feat Jessie Villa Stripped lead vocal 1 56
01:53 Mikey Geiger Next To You Feat Jessie Villa Stripped lead vocal 3 09
01:48 Midnight Television Love Isn t A Game Stripped lead vocal 5 00
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LA Talk Radio - Channel 1 è una stazione radiofonica su internet con sede a Los Angeles, California. Offre una varietà di programmi in diretta che trattano argomenti come intrattenimento, stile di vita, politica, relazioni e affari. La stazione fornisce una piattaforma per conduttori indipendenti e voci emergenti, rivolgendosi a un pubblico eterogeneo con una vasta gamma di interessi. LA Talk Radio è conosciuta per il suo formato non censurato e non scriptato, che permette discussioni sincere e coinvolgenti. Opera insieme a Channel 2, che si concentra sulla programmazione musicale.
LA Talk Radio - Channel 1 Recensioni