DJ Trigon wiedergabeliste
- 08:42 Bakke & Joni - Bali
- 08:33 Diver & Ace - Mental Thing (Original Mix)
- 08:23 Winterlight - Mirror (Solarstone Subterranean Mix)
- 08:16 Jamala - Eris
- 08:10 Elevation - Biscayne
- 08:04 Jason van Wyk - Far From Me
- 07:57 Sindre Eide - Essentia
- 07:50 Alex Chilcott - Maui Sunset
- 07:45 Estiva - Les Fleurs
- 07:38 Adymus - Luminous Beings
- 07:33 Adrian Ivan - No One Else (Deep Mix)
- 07:27 Seventh Son & Ethan North - Adagio For Strings
- 07:21 Laydee Jane - Keep On (Max Orian Remix)
- 07:15 Winterlight - Mirror
- 07:08 Under Sun - Capoeira (Hawk Remix)
- 07:00 Purple Mood - One Night In Tokyo (DJ Shah's Savanah Remix)
- 06:53 Oliver Smith - Nimbus
- 06:46 Andy Moor Vs Orkidea - Yearzero (Orkidea's Metaverse Mix)
- 06:39 Markus Schulz Feat. Anita Kelsey - First Time (Funabashi Remix)
- 06:32 Niklas Harding Pres. Blackout - Shadows
- 06:25 Andrew Bennett - Save From Harm
- 06:16 Sunlounger - Aguas Blancas (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
- 06:10 Micah - Mnemosyne
- 06:00 Orkidea ft. Marc Mitchell - Eternal Love
- 05:52 Radiate - Cristal Clear (Sonar Method's Lake Side Mix)
- 05:44 Space Manoeuvres - Stage One (Leama & Moor Main Mix)
- 05:37 Endre - I Kill For You (Probspot Remix)
- 05:31 Taxi - Glistening
- 05:23 Tilt - The World Doesn't Know
- 05:16 Vadim Zhukov - Exit
- 05:10 Rio Addicts - Crossroads (Probspot Remix)
- 05:00 Greg Murray - Ursa Majors (Deep Mix)
- 04:55 Tim Preijers Pres. Sense Of Silver - Offshore (Temple One Remix)
- 04:48 DJ Fire - Summermorning
- 04:41 Bakke & Joni - Bali
- 04:32 Diver & Ace - Mental Thing (Original Mix)
- 04:23 Winterlight - Mirror (Solarstone Subterranean Mix)
- 04:16 Jamala - Eris
- 04:10 Elevation - Biscayne
- 04:03 Jason van Wyk - Far From Me
- 03:57 Sindre Eide - Essentia
- 03:50 Alex Chilcott - Maui Sunset
- 03:45 Estiva - Les Fleurs
- 03:38 Adymus - Luminous Beings
- 03:32 Adrian Ivan - No One Else (Deep Mix)
- 03:26 Seventh Son & Ethan North - Adagio For Strings
- 03:20 Laydee Jane - Keep On (Max Orian Remix)
- 03:14 Winterlight - Mirror
- 03:08 Under Sun - Capoeira (Hawk Remix)
- 03:00 Purple Mood - One Night In Tokyo (DJ Shah's Savanah Remix)
- 02:53 Oliver Smith - Nimbus
- 02:45 Andy Moor Vs Orkidea - Yearzero (Orkidea's Metaverse Mix)
- 02:38 Markus Schulz Feat. Anita Kelsey - First Time (Funabashi Remix)
- 02:32 Niklas Harding Pres. Blackout - Shadows
- 02:24 Andrew Bennett - Save From Harm
- 02:16 Sunlounger - Aguas Blancas (DJ Shah's Original Mix)
- 02:09 Micah - Mnemosyne
- 01:59 Orkidea ft. Marc Mitchell - Eternal Love
- 01:52 Radiate - Cristal Clear (Sonar Method's Lake Side Mix)
- 01:44 Space Manoeuvres - Stage One (Leama & Moor Main Mix)
- 01:37 Endre - I Kill For You (Probspot Remix)
- 01:31 Taxi - Glistening
- 01:16 Vadim Zhukov - Exit
- 01:10 Rio Addicts - Crossroads (Probspot Remix)
- 01:00 Greg Murray - Ursa Majors (Deep Mix)
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DJ Trigon ist ein deutscher Online-Radiosender, der für seinen Fokus auf elektronische Musik bekannt ist, insbesondere auf Genres wie Trance, House und Techno. Er wird als nicht-kommerzielle Plattform betrieben und streamt rund um die Uhr Musik ohne Werbung. Der Sender legt großen Wert darauf, unabhängige und aufstrebende Künstler zu unterstützen und bietet eine Plattform für weniger bekannte DJs und Produzenten. Das Programm von DJ Trigon umfasst Live-DJ-Mixes und kuratierte Playlists, die sich an Fans von elektronischer Tanzmusik richten.